Emma33814's Comments (47)

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Below are comments about Emma33814's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Pumpkin Emme. I knew what it was right away. This is really nice. Love Nana and Pop-pop
-- Bob
- on April 12, 2019
Wow! Wow! Wow! Emma, Your "Kandinsky Circles" artwork is sooooooo cool!!! It is VERY GOOD! You are a really good artist. I absolutely love looking at all of the artwork that you create. Love You! Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on March 20, 2019
Very nice choice of colors Emma. You are very creative. Love Nana and Pop-Pop
-- Bob
- on March 20, 2019
Wow Emma! You are such a great artist! You really are. Your "Loving Morris" is so pretty. It looks like a beautiful Valentine's Day card to me. Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on March 20, 2019
I love this Emma! You are a very talented artist!! Just beautiful. Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on March 20, 2019
Very Pretty Emma. You are turning into a very good artist... Love Nana and Pop Pop...
-- Bob
- on March 20, 2019
WOW! Emma your self-portrait is awesome!! It is really, really good! I love your artwork so much! You are very, very good!!! Love you, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on January 9, 2019
Good job Emma. You are prettier than this picture but it is a very nice picture. Love Nana and Pop pop..
-- Bob
- on January 9, 2019
Nice work Emma! You are becoming such an excellent artist.
-- Dad
- on January 7, 2019
Wow, Wow, Wow Emma! This is BEAUTIFUL!! You did an amazing job on this. I just love looking at it. So pretty. Keep up the excellent work. Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on January 2, 2019
Very nice Emma. Sonia would be very happy. Love you... Nanan and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on January 2, 2019
Wow Emma! I love this! There are so many things to look at and they all string together!! You did an awesome job!!! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on October 2, 2018
This is very pretty and is very imaginative.. It looks like a farm with the pumpkins. I love it...Love Nana and Pop pop
-- Bob
- on October 2, 2018
Emma, that's awesome! nice job! Dad
-- Scott
- on May 22, 2018
Great coloring Emma. It will make a very pretty patch on the Memorial Day Quilt. You should be very proud of your work. Love Nana and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on May 22, 2018
Emma, yo do great in coloring. This is a very pretty flower... Good job love Nana and Pop pop
-- Bob
- on May 18, 2018
Wow Emma, I would love a garden full of flowers that look like this flower. It is beautiful!! Great job! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on May 18, 2018
This sure is a very pretty flower Emma. You color so good... Love Nana and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on May 18, 2018
Emma, you are such a great artist. You just keep getting better. Cool design
-- Scott
- on May 8, 2018
Wow Emma Bemma, Love your ABC's of artwork project. You did an amazing job! Really like all of the backgrounds that you made. And your alphabet letters are perfect!!! Nice, nice job! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on April 18, 2018
Good letters Emma. You are really doing well...
-- Bob
- on April 18, 2018
Emma! That is a cool drawing! Nice work.
-- Scott
- on March 29, 2018
I think you are going to be an artist when you grow up Emma! Your "Muppet Me" is so cool! Love how you did her hair. You keep on making some really fantastic drawings!! She looks like you IF YOU WERE A MUPPET!!!!! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on March 21, 2018
Emma, he is so cool. I like how you drew his face, he looks like a silly monster Dad
-- Scott
- on February 16, 2018
There is a lot of love in that love monster Emma... Good job. Love Nana and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on February 16, 2018
Emma, Your "love monster" is awesome! He looks like a monster, but NOT a scary monster! He looks like a lovable love monster! Very cool. Happy Valentine's Day Emma!!! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on February 16, 2018
Emma, you are turning into a very good artist. We love it, all the shapes and colors... Love Nana and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on January 31, 2018
This is so good Emma! You used so many shapes, lines, patterns and colors that it is so fun to look at! I see something different every time I look at it. Really beautiful!! Love Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on January 24, 2018
beautiful design!
-- Scott
- on January 23, 2018
Excellent job Emma! You’re a talented girl
-- Scott
- on January 17, 2018
Love your Guardian Angel Emma! She is so pretty. You did an amazing job. Really like how the gold color shines. Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on January 9, 2018
That is really cool Emma. We love it. Lets hope your guardian angel looks over you forever!! Love Nana and Pop pop...
-- Bob
- on January 9, 2018
Love it! Very cool.
-- Scott
- on December 4, 2017
Awesome job Emma!
-- Scott
- on December 4, 2017
Great Job Emma. Nana and I really love your Indian Corn. It is very pretty... See you soon Love Nana and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on November 29, 2017
Hi Emma, You created another beautiful piece of artwork. Love your colorful corn. It reminds me of Thanksgiving! Really, really pretty. Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on November 29, 2017
That is one pretty Elephant Emma. I love all the pretty curly's on it. You did a great job. Nana and I love it. Will see you soon!!!
-- Bob
- on November 17, 2017
WOW! WOW! WOW! Your elephant is beautiful Emma! I just love how you did the different shapes, colors and dots. I think you did an excellent job! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on November 17, 2017
That robot rocks Emma!
-- Scott
- on November 1, 2017
I love your elephant Emma! Really nice job!
-- Scott
- on November 1, 2017
That is one great Robot Emma. I know you probably spent a lot of time to make it beautiful.. Love Nana and Pop Pop
-- Bob
- on November 1, 2017
- on November 1, 2017
Dear Emma, I love your "Rockin Robot". It is soooo good! I think you are a pretty fantastic little artist! Love YOU, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on November 1, 2017
Beautiful Emma. We loved the colorful birds. You did a great job
-- Bob
- on October 4, 2017
I want these birds! Each one is a color in a rainbow. Soooooo pretty. Nicely done Emma! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on October 4, 2017
Emma Bemma, We LOVE your dot artwork! It is so good. Really, really beautiful!! We are so proud of you. You are a super special granddaughter. Cannot wait to see more of your artwork. We love you sooooo much. Hugs and lots of kisses to our beautiful granddaughter Emma! Love, Nana Nora and Grandpa
-- Nora
- on September 26, 2017
Awesome work Emma! I like the composition of your dot art
-- Scott
- on September 26, 2017