Savanna2269's Comments (63)

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Below are comments about Savanna2269's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice! The purples and blues make a tie-dye look. And I see that basketball you snuck in there!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very pretty!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very colorful!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Nice stars! Love the red, white and blue theme!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Love your snowman art! I never thought about looking at a snowman from different angles. As usual.....good job!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Good job with Abraham Lincoln! That looks like a hard one to draw!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
I love this artwork! You can make me one like this anytime.....hint, hint!!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Hard to read but I’m sure you wrote nice things! Very colorful!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very nice!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very creative!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very nice!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very nice ornament!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Nice! Is that a daytime/nighttime pumpkin??!!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very pretty colors in all those stripes!
- Grandma Rita on November 23, 2022
Very pretty! I love all the bright colors on top of the black. It looked even better when I saw it in person.
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
That's a yummy looking cupcake! Is that grape and blueberry frosting topped with a nice fresh strawberry on top? Looks good enough to eat!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
What a pretty peacock! It looks like you combined a little of Valentines Day and St Patrick’s Day in your design. Very nice!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Love that heart! Such pretty colors on the whole picture!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Those hills look like they've had some sled-riders on them. Wouldn't that be fun?!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Another nice snowy picture.!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Pretty snow scene! Looks like there might be a storm coming in.
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Great picture of Abraham Lincoln! I knew who it was right away!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
What a pretty fish. Maybe grandpa could get some of these for our pond!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Nice card!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Nice snowflakes! It was fun helping you make these!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
What a cute Christmas card! It was so nice of you to make these cards for the people in the nursing homes. I'm sure they will love them!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
This snowman looks like he borrowed your hat and vest, and he's ready to go hunting with your dad.
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Such a cute little turkey! Gobble! Gobble!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Look at all those pretty leaves. You'll have to tell me how you did that project. I bet it was fun!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Very pretty! You sure do have a lot of different shapes in that project. I really like the little blue bird, but the other animals are cute too!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Very pretty colors. You’ll have to explain to me how you did this project. You learn such fun things in art class!
- Grandma Rita on August 29, 2021
Is it time for breakfast or lunch? Are you going to feed the animals too?
- Grandma Rita on June 24, 2020
Cute little bunny!
- Grandma Rita on June 24, 2020
A very colorful feather with lots of nice things written on it. It looks great with all the other feathers on the wall at school.
- Grandma Rita on June 24, 2020
What a pretty color wheel! It was fun watching you gather all those colorful items from all over your house! Wasn't that a fun art project?
- Grandma Rita on June 24, 2020
What a pretty bouquet of flowers! I'm sure your mom really liked that picture for Mother's Day.
- Grandma Rita on June 24, 2020
Such a pretty beetle. Is it called a rainbow beetle?
- Grandma Rita on May 13, 2020
I love all these colorful houses. You used lots of different designs on all of them. I especially like the rainbow roof and the smiley face!
- Grandma Rita on May 13, 2020
What a great job on your cover page for your art journal. So colorful and happy looking! I can't wait to see it finished when all the pages are included.
- Grandma Rita on May 13, 2020
Nice job on Mr. Robot! You used lots of different shapes to make a cool-looking dude! I really like his colorful arms.
- Grandma Rita on May 13, 2020
I love this! You were so creative! The 'Be Happy' stone is perfect for everyone's lives right now. It's nice to see you having fun doing your school assignments.
- Grandma Rita on May 13, 2020
Love this cute little bunny! I hope he keeps juggling all those eggs so they don’t fall to the ground and break!
- Grandma Rita on April 8, 2020
That's a might fine looking Abe Lincoln!
- Grandma Rita on April 2, 2020
It must be raining at Northwestern Elementary! Good thing you have a pretty umbrella!
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
Pretty artwork......especially that cute kitty! I think he's watching you!
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
Are you thinking......'hey, I did a good job on this one'?
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
Such pretty splatter paint!
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
I love these drawings you have learned to do in Art. And you even had us all do them at home.....that was fun! I love the colors on this one!
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
Love this guy! You did a super job of creating him. Or is it a she?Looks like he's ready for a snack!
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
Wow! That is one big-mouthed fish! It's so colorful too! But I think that little fish is in big trouble! Those teeth look pretty sharp! Chomp....chomp!!!
- Grandma Rita on January 29, 2020
Very colorful! I'm not sure what it might be, but it certainly is full of pretty colors. The best part was hearing you tell me how you did it with all those splatters! Another fun art project!
- Grandma Rita on November 6, 2019
What a cute little chubby penguin! It looks like he (or she) is all ready to go play in the snow with that colorful scarf and hat. I also like the heart on his forehead. I love seeing your artwork! Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma Rita
- on February 22, 2019
Great picture! Those hills would be good for sled riding!
-- Grandma Rita
- on February 22, 2019
Very nice Savanna! Looks like a beautiful day with lots of fluffy clouds in the sky. Keep up the good work. I love seeing all your pictures!
-- Grandma Rita
- on November 14, 2018
Wow! This giraffe looks like he (or is it a she?) is ready to jump right off that page. What a great job! I love it!
-- Grandma Rita
- on October 17, 2018
Wow...more rainbow colors! I'm not sure if all those colors on his hat and mustache make him look happy or mean. I think we'll go with happy! Can't wait to see your next project!
-- Grandma Rita
- on May 6, 2018
Wow....look at all those colors! Such pretty rainbow colors! I can tell that you love art class. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma Rita
- on April 4, 2018
Another beautiful artwork! This must be the 'line' project you were telling me about. It has such pretty rainbow colors and all kinds of different lines. Very nice! Can't wait to see your next project!
-- Grandma Rita
- on March 7, 2018
I love your snowman Savanna! He has nice big eyes to watch out for all kinds of things! I remember you telling me how much fun it was to make him. Nice job!
-- Grandma Rita
- on March 7, 2018
I love your snowman Savanna! He is so tall that he almost didn't fit on the paper! You will have to tell me how you did all the pretty white and blue/purple. I'm so glad that you like your art class!
-- Grandma Rita
- on February 3, 2018
Beautiful tree Savanna! I love all the pretty colors!
-- Grandma Rita
- on December 13, 2017
Your tiger looks so happy in the jungle! You did a great job!
-- Rita/Grandma
- on November 15, 2017
I love your tree and all the pretty leaves! Nice job!
-- Rita
- on November 15, 2017