Paityn305's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Paityn305's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is just so beautiful. It’s a mix of a very colorful flower and windmill.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on June 20, 2018
This reminds me of all the kites you see flying around in the sky during the summer.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on June 20, 2018
This picture reminds me of being at Great Grandma's house with you, as a preschooler. She always had colorful ABC blocks for kids to play with. I will always cherish that time with you and Preston.
-- Grandma
- on May 22, 2018
Oh my, what a beautiful flower! If I had to name it, I would call it the Rainbow Flower. You used an ordinary paper plate to make a lovely piece of art. Very creative Paityn.
-- Grandma
- on May 22, 2018
Wow honey, this makes me excited for all the beautiful flowers Jesus gives us to enjoy during the warm months. The flowers look so real I can almost smell them.
-- Rachel
- on May 22, 2018
I like the number six because my birthday is on the 6th! ??
-- Rachel
- on May 22, 2018
Paityn, this is so pretty. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers!
-- Mom
- on May 22, 2018
Paityn, your tulips are lovely and they make me smile. When I see tulips I know its springtime, which is my favorite season of the year. Their buds are so evenly shaped and the colors are beautiful. The only sad thing about tulips is they only bloom in spring for three to seven days. I love the way you made them three dimensional. They look so real that I almost want to pick them and put them in a vase.
-- Grandma
- on May 22, 2018
This is really good Paityn. We love you?? -Angelina
-- Angelina
- on March 28, 2018
I love this pumpkin picture. So colorful and cheerful! One of my faves!
-- Mom
- on March 28, 2018
This reminds me of one of those posters you have to stare at really hard to find the hidden picture.
-- Mom
- on March 28, 2018
This is a beautiful picture. I can see it was a lot of work for you to create this piece of art; choosing the colors, cutting the paper into small pieces, and than carefully gluing them just right on the paper. You did a great job honey!
-- Grandma
- on March 28, 2018
This pattern with its bold design would make an excellent bed quilt. I like that you designed it with three different shapes, triangles, diamonds and squares. The pattern is very colorful with solid, dark colors of blue and purple; while the dotted pattern adds a playful design to the piece. Great job, Paityn
-- Grandma
- on February 19, 2018
This piece is called "Shaded Pumpkin Patch." You showed how important sunlight is to growing things. These pumpkin plants were planted way too close to each other. The middle pumpkin is not getting enough sun and is much smaller than the other two. Your piece is not only artistic, it is a good teaching piece too. Good job honey.
-- Grandma
- on February 19, 2018
This is a very beautiful snowflake. I love the playful shapes and the pastel colors that you chose. The white yarn looks like a string of pearls that elegantly outlines your snowflake. The cute pink hearts and the blue water drops are so playful. Very detailed, very pretty.
-- Grandma
- on February 19, 2018
Honey, this one is beautiful. You are so talented. I love all the different color jewels.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
What a great looking fall scene.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
I love how you left all the hearts the same except for one. This is perfect for Valentine’s Day!!
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
This one reminds me of you Paityn when you are in a silly mood.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
This one looks like you have a beautiful kite flying in the sky.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
You did a really good job following the design with your yarn. Great job Paityn! The red yarn looks like heart candy canes!
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
This one reminds me of dying Easter eggs with all the designs and colors to chose from.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
I don’t know why but this one makes me hungry for a cupcake with sprinkles!
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
This picture makes me feel happy. I really love all the bright colors you chose.
-- Auntie Rachel
- on February 13, 2018
God surely loves variety and beauty. He made every season of the year different for each of us to enjoy. With the orange, yellow and brown leaves you have made a lovely fall treeline picture. Your beautiful artwork reminds me to give thanks to God for our cold weather, warm weather, hot weather and the cool weather of autumn season.
-- Grandma
- on February 13, 2018
I love all your artwork, but this one is definitely my favorite. This would make such a lovely Christmas card. The background color makes the yellow Christmas trees and stars really look like they are glowing. I like that the word "Christmas" is a little hidden, it makes it interesting and fun. It is hard to believe that you created this using only different size circles. Great job honey.
-- Grandma
- on February 13, 2018
This is one of the most unique valentines I ever saw. Not only are they hanging off the edges but they are half white and half red. I love your different creative ideas.
-- Grandma
- on February 13, 2018
Great pumpkins!
-- Candi
- on February 13, 2018
Preston did this same picture too. One of my favorites!
-- Candi
- on February 13, 2018
I ordered this picture to go on mommys necklace that I have.
-- Candi
- on February 13, 2018
Paityn, I love this! You are a great little atrist. Mommy ordered magnet of this picture to put on the fridge.
-- Candi
- on February 13, 2018
If these necklaces were real, I think I would have a very hard time choosing which one to wear first. They are all so beautiful and unique.
-- Grandma
- on February 8, 2018
This colorful dolphin reminds me of our fun trip to Florida last summer. We were so excited to see that school of dolphins jumping up and diving back into the ocean. We had a lot of fun and it will always be a special memory to me.
-- Grandma
- on February 8, 2018
This snowman wants to be different and do his own thing! Good thing he remembered to take off his hat. I wonder if he wishes he could participate in gymnastics like you.
-- Grandma
- on February 8, 2018
I love this picture! It is amazing how you were able to make it look like a real hand reaching for the butterfly. Great job honey. Love grandma
-- LuAnne
- on February 8, 2018
Beautiful! Good job Paityn! Love you, Dad
-- Eric
- on February 7, 2018