HOPE124's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about HOPE124's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Congratulations for having your art in the State Fair Exhibition!
- on June 23, 2009
Hope, you did a super job on your hot chocolate picture. You are very talented and I enjoy having you in class.
- on June 5, 2008
I like the colors and how it is off center to the left. Good job, Hope!
- on May 22, 2008
Nice artwork. It makes me hungry.
- on May 22, 2008
Love the colors!
- on May 22, 2008
Looks YUMMY!!!
- on May 22, 2008
- on May 22, 2008
Very pretty, Miss Hope!
- on May 22, 2008
What a neat collection you have! I have enjoyed seeing your art this year!
- on May 22, 2008
That is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on May 16, 2008
It won't be to long before we see your name in art galleries. Don't forget the little people when you get famous. :) Love ya, Tina
- on June 13, 2007
I am VERY proud of you Hope! Keep up the GREAT work Love, mom
- on October 19, 2006
This is extremely good. Just like dad. Keep up the good work. Love ya. Tina
- on October 19, 2006
awwww how incrediably cute. I love this, She is very talented. Hope i luv u and hope to see u soon happy halloween i hope u get a ton of candy. love ya yur sissy :)
- on October 19, 2006