Jack23845's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Jack23845's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Jack!! This looks like the birds from the book, "The duckling gets a cookie?" I really like the eyes and how the colors are in the lines and not all over the place. Great job Jack! Keep making awesome art!
- Natalia :) on May 26, 2021
LOVE this tree Jack! The colors are beautiful and the trunk is so creative. Nice Work!
- Nana on December 4, 2020
Love this happy little critter, good job!
- Nana on December 4, 2020
Jack, nice job on your polar bear drawing.
- Grampy on February 7, 2020
Love your polar bear Jack!!! great job
- Nana on January 22, 2020
I love your field of poppies, so colorful! you are such a good artist!
- Nana on January 22, 2020