Jazmin865's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Jazmin865's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the shading of the green colors.Good job!
- Debbie on January 17, 2024
Love this picture. Very creative my little artist!
- Ashley (Mother) on October 16, 2019
My favorite so far! Love this picture of the guitar Miss Jazmin!
-- Ashley
- on October 17, 2018
This bird family reminds me of ours! Including the dogs! So cute! Mom
-- Ashley
- on October 3, 2018
Looks like I’m looking up from the bottom of the ocean! Love it-Mom
-- Ashley
- on October 3, 2018
I love ur artwork...it is really good.grandma
- on October 3, 2018
Love this winter sene!
-- Ashley
- on November 13, 2017
Great picture!soccer is a favorite sport! Creative as always
-- Ashley
- on November 3, 2017
Beautiful picture of a bee.reminder to all how important it is to have them.love the vivid colors
- on August 15, 2017
Love this picture! I plan on ordering a gift.
-- Ashley
- on April 3, 2017
I like the sunflowers.they make u feel happy and the birds enjoy eating them.excellent choice of flower to draw
-- Grandma
- on August 15, 2017
U did a very good job on drawing a picture of yourself..so pretty.keep up the great artwork.
-- Grandma
- on August 15, 2017