KAYLEE156's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about KAYLEE156's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Congratulations for having your art in the State Fair Exhibition!
- on August 14, 2009
- on June 9, 2008
Kaylee, you have great contrast in this picture with the lines and colors. You are really developing your art skills. Keep up the good work.
- on June 9, 2008
Wow Kaylee! That looks like it could be fabric for a trendy purse. Good job!
- on April 23, 2008
It is really cool that we can see what you are doing at school. You have done such a great job! Are you teaching Payton any of these techniques? I love you, DeDe
- on May 30, 2007
Kaylee, I love the beautiful tree. The sky is pretty too. love, nana
- on October 28, 2006
WOW Kaylee! That is amazing. How did you do that? It looks so cool! Love, Maddie & Melanie
- on September 15, 2006
Kaylee, I love your drawing!!! You did a excellent job, I could never do something like that. Love, Deborah
- on June 1, 2006