CHRISTOPHER976's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about CHRISTOPHER976's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Chris, you did a great job on your pop art picture. You are really developing your art skills. Keep up the good work.
- on June 5, 2008
This is very pretty to look at. I like the choice of colors that you combined. The purple and blue match well together. You have a good eye for colors. I think that I will put this one on a t shirt to are quite a little artist!!!!! Love, Boosie ;0) P.S. I am SO PROUD!!!!!
- on November 20, 2006
i absolutely love windy fall....the detail on the leaves is very good. I like the colors that you chose. It makes me want to go outside and find some leaves. You are very good....super job!!!!!
- on November 20, 2006
A very fine piece of artwork Chris. The leaves appear to be blowing in the wind. Awesome job!! (Tony D)
- on November 19, 2006
THis is a magnificent array of shapes and colors that speak the true meaning of Autumn TONY D
- on November 17, 2006
Awesome artwork!! The colors and lines are truely sensational. Keep up the great work (ALD)
- on October 13, 2006
i love this art, Chris!! It it really creative and colorful. Keep up the good work!!! I am very proud of you. I can see that you worked really hard on this. You go!!!!
- on October 12, 2006