Kaleigh1255's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Kaleigh1255's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Kaleigh, Every time I think I have a favorite of yours, you do something new and it becomes my new favorite! I really love you color usage in this! Very cool, Cutie Love, Aunt Tami
-- Aunt Tami
- on January 11, 2018
Hey Kaleigh, I love the details you put on this one! So I know who this is? Love, Aunt Tami
-- Aunt Tami
- on January 11, 2018
That’s my granddaughter. Love your creativity. Would like to say it runs in the family.
-- Grandpa Jim
- on December 28, 2017
Kaleigh, you are very talented and creative. Love all of yr work! I look forward to seeing more. Linda
-- Linda
- on December 13, 2017
Kaleigh, We are so impressed by your incredible art!!! You have beautiful color grouping, great artistic composition, and lots of happiness and joy in each work of art! Love your art, and love you too!!!
-- Papa Skip & Grandma Cathy
- on December 13, 2017
I LOVE this! It has so much personality!
-- Kenzie
- on December 11, 2017
Keep up your artwork! I can't with to see what you do next! Love, Aunt Tami
-- Tami
- on December 11, 2017
I spy with my little eye.... the cutest little lady bug! Awesome capture with the camera, Miss Kaleigh! Oxoxox Aunt Tami
-- Tami
- on December 11, 2017
Kaleigh, This is fantastic and makes me giggle!! Love you, Aunt Tami
-- Tami
- on December 11, 2017
Kaleigh, I adore your art! Just seeing it makes me smile! Love you, Aunt Tami
-- Tami
- on December 11, 2017
Kaleigh, this is the most amazing painting. You did a fantastic job! We are so proud of you! Love, Aunt Nellie and Uncle Shawn
-- Janelle
- on December 11, 2017