Ashley24949's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Ashley24949's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Ashley! I am loving your recent art projects! Keep up the good work You are doing a great job! Love you, Grandma H. xoxoxoxo
- Ann Marie on April 22, 2020
Hi, Ashley! I love your latest artwork. Those red birds are beautiful, and you know Grandma loves the color red. Keep up the good work. I enjoy seeing what you are doing in art class. Love you honey! Grandma H.
-- Ann Marie
- on April 22, 2020
Great job Sugar Cube! It reminds me of our trip to the alligator farm!
-- Jeff
- on April 22, 2020
Ashley, Pop Pop and I loved this beautiful picture that you drew of the alligator! You did a great job! Keep up the good work and send us some new artwork soon for my refrigerator. Love you sweetie!! Grandma Hall (Ann Marie)
-- Ann Marie
- on April 22, 2020