Elijah14363's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Elijah14363's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Eli, you continue to improve with all you art work. Looks like pastels were used for the beautiful outdoor scene. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Jan
- Grandma Jan on March 1, 2023
Very Nice Eli!!! This is excellent! The colors are beautiful! One of your best ones again!! Keep up the good work!!
- Grandma Sandy on March 1, 2023
Ah, we live and we learn!! You did a great job. And I'm sure you remember next time which is the best way to do! Let's face it Eli, I love anything you do!!!
- Grandma Sandy on March 1, 2023
Eli, love your paper mache project really like the outdoor scene. You do such creative work. Keep it up. ?? I made a very large rabbit out of paper mache when I was in school.
- Grandma Jan on March 1, 2023
Eli, love your paper mache project really like the outdoor scene. You do such creative work. Keep it up. ?? I made a very large rabbit out of paper mache when I was in school.
- Grandma Jan on March 1, 2023
Great job, Eli! Really like the landscape on the E.
- Grandpa Dale on March 1, 2023
Eli, You did a great job with your perspective. Food is a great subject for an art display on the walls . Love your color choices too. Good job.
- Grandma Jan on March 1, 2023
Eli, I love your dinosaurs. So creative. Using complimenting colors for them is cool. The yellow one is a good triceratop. Can't see the other one well enough to see what kind he is. Love Grandma Jan
- Grandma Jan on March 1, 2023
Very nice cardinal, Eli! Keep up the great work!
- Grandpa Dale on November 30, 2022
Oh Eli, this is one of my favorites. You did an outstanding job!!! I love cardinals as they have a special meaning for me. You are so talented. Keep up the good work. So proud of you!! Love you bunches.
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
Eli, This winter landscape is beautiful. The beautiful glow from the sun, big snowflakes and the red cardinal are all very creative and wonderful art work. Love Grandma Jan
- Grandma Jan on November 30, 2022
Very nicely done! Shape of can is perfect. Colors are nicely done. You did a fantastic job on this project!
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
Cute! Very nicely done! Looks like you except you are always smiling and your eyes twinkle! Keep up the good work!!
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
This is one of my favorite projects that you have done. Love the black and white combination. Very interesting details of various designs! Very well done!
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
Love this project. Artistic letters and very colorful background. You did a very nice job. Keep up the good work!!
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
This is an interesting clay project. You did a great job. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
This is a cool picture - HOWEVER - I just could not eat something that was looking at me!! You did a great job. Love the background colors and "Hamburger" is really looking at me eye to eye! Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Sandy on November 30, 2022
Good job, Eli! Keep it up!
- Grandpa Dale on November 30, 2022
Eli, Very fun project. That is an interesting name for your pop. Bet it would give you lots of energy. Love it. Grandma Jan
- Grandma Jan on November 30, 2022
This must be a self-portrait! I think you did a very good job!! Go Green!
- Grandma Sandy on November 2, 2022
You have been very busy! Looks good Eli!
- Grandma Sandy on November 2, 2022
Great work, Eli! Keep it up!
- Grandpa Dale on November 2, 2022
Eli I love your self portrait. You really captured the Tim Burton style. Go Green.
- Grandma Jan on October 19, 2022
Eli, that is a really cool picture but I am not sure that I would want to eat that hamburger!
- Grandpa Dale on October 19, 2022
Eli, I love your creature. The scales are cool. They must have taken a lone time. I love his little friend by his neck. I would love to know what the eyes are made of. Love Grandma Jan.
- Grandma Jan on October 19, 2022
Eli, I love your sculpture. Very creative. Lots of different line combinations also. 3 D is always fun to create. Love Grandma Jan.
- Grandma Jan on October 19, 2022
Great job, Eli! That is really cool!
- Grandpa Dale on September 28, 2022
Eli, I love the bright colors and your lettering is awesome, very clean lines. Fantastic job Eli. Love Grandma Jan.
- Grandma Jan on September 28, 2022
Love your painted turtle!
- Grandpa Dale on June 3, 2020
Eli that is the most colorful turtle I have ever seen. What a creative imagination.
- Grandma Jan on June 3, 2020
Fantastic job, Eli!!
- Grandpa Dale on January 29, 2020
I love your art work. It looks like a eye of a reptile. Really cool.
- Jan on January 29, 2020
Eli, I love your art work. The textures are wonderful. It looks like a great big donut.
- Grandma Jan on December 18, 2019
Good job Eli!
- Grandpa Dale on December 18, 2019
Lots of very interesting patterns and shapes. You always do such a good job on your projects.
- Grandma Sandy on December 18, 2019
Nice shapes and complimentary colors!! Very good job!!
- Grandma Sandy on December 18, 2019
Very nice work Eli. I like the geometric shapes you used and the complimentary colors you used.
- Grandma Jan on November 24, 2019
Eli, Great job!!
- Grandpa Dale on November 24, 2019
Eli I love all the different patterns of lines and shapes. You do wonderful art projects. Cute face also.
- Grandma Jan on October 30, 2019
Good job, Eli!!
- Grandpa Dale on October 30, 2019
Great job, Elli!!
-- Grandpa Dale
- on May 23, 2019
Very nice Eli!!! I love the colors of the sky!! Grandma Sandy
-- Grandma Sandy
- on May 15, 2019
Eli that is a breathtaking sky. I love it. Fantastic work.
-- Grandma Jan
- on May 15, 2019
Nice Job Eli!!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on March 20, 2019
I love your sculpture. I love the color and the eyes.
-- Grandma Jan
- on March 20, 2019
Eli you are so talented. I love your artwork. Such bright colors.
-- Grandma Jan
- on March 20, 2019
Great job Eli! I like it!
-- Grandpa Dale
- on July 11, 2018
Eli the is gorgeous. I love it.
-- Grandma Jan
- on July 11, 2018
Eli, this is very nice!! Good job! You are a terrific artist!! Love you bunches!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on July 11, 2018
Eli that is a fantastic piece of sculpture work. I can't wait to see it. It is awesome.
-- Grandma Jan
- on May 23, 2018
Good job Eli!!!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on May 23, 2018
Eli, you did a very nice job!!! Keep up the good work!!!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on May 23, 2018
Eli you are a fabulous artist. Keep up the good work. You have a wonderful talent. Grandma Jan
-- Grandma Jan
- on July 12, 2017
This is a very nice picture!! I think it is my favorite so far! You did a great job. Keep up the good work!!!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on July 5, 2017
Eli, Your name artwork turned out really coo! Enjoyed it.
-- Dale
- on July 5, 2017
Eli - thanks for sharing your artwork!!! You are doing a great job and we are very proud of you!! Keep us the good work!! Grandpa Dale and Grandma Sandy
-- Grandma Sandy
- on July 5, 2017
Great job Eli! Remember the dot art we saw last fall at Art Prize?
-- Dale
- on July 5, 2017
Good Job Elijah!!!! You have great artistic abilities....keep up the good work!!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on July 5, 2017