Benjamin15200's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Benjamin15200's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this Ben! Very cool! One-of-a-kind...just like you buddy! All my love, Gram's Kathy Cap.
- Kathy on February 21, 2024
Oh no!!! Not "Frosty" the snow man? This is hurts more than a slow melt down, Love, Grandpa Terry
- Terry on January 3, 2024
"I will take 12 Tacos to go." Nice TACO truck !!! Love, Grandpa Terry
- Terry on November 1, 2023
Hey Ben, this disco ball is really pretty! I look forward to seeing each new creation, and am VERY glad you are still taking an art class because you have a lot of talent. Way to go!
- Kathy (grandma H) on October 11, 2023
Ben, "Good Job" on the Disco Ball---Lets Dance!! Grandpa Terry
- Terry on October 4, 2023
Nice job, Ben !!! I have seen your "Love Stone" projects exhibited on the beach at Beaver Island----very special find for me. Love, Grandpa Terry
- Terry on September 20, 2023
Ben----This piece of artwork is very interesting and thought provoking. I am looking forward to sitting down with you and a couple of ice cream bars to learn more about this special project. Love Grandpa Terry
- Terry on January 4, 2023
Ben, Grandpa and I really like this painting. When we look outside at night (especially now that some snow has started to fall, and around the time there was a full moon not long ago), this looks a lot like what we see out our windows. Sometimes we wish it were still summer, but your painting reminds us that a snowy winter night can be beautiful too.
- Kathy (grandma H) on November 30, 2022
Good Job Ben!! Grandma and I looked up Tim Burton and his artwork and find that you have applied his views well. Keep up the good work. Love Grandpa and Grandma Terry and Kathy
- Terry on October 19, 2022
This looks like really great modern art Ben. I like it a lot.
- Grandma Kathy H. on October 19, 2022
WOW !!!! That is cool Ben That looks like one ANGRY BIRD. Good Job--Keep it up. Love, Grandpa Terry
- Terry on October 12, 2022
Great imagination and design Ben!! Keep up the good work. Love you Grandpa Terry
- Terry on October 5, 2022
How cool! Really like it, plus the "Ben" artwork we got a few days ago. Sometime I would like you to explain what "Zentangle" means. :-) Love you!
- Grandma Kathy H. on October 5, 2022
Nice Job Ben!! I wish that I had your artistic skills. Love----- Grandpa Terry
- Terry on October 5, 2022
Great work Ben!! I love the colors---It looks like my eye when I've been up all night. Keep up the good work. Love you Grandpa Terry
- Terry on March 4, 2020
Looks like a yummy donut somebody dropped in the grass (I got the donut idea from your title for the painting). Agree with Grandpa that the colors are very good. I like the bright and colorful foreground with the darker background (like maybe somebody is shining a flashlight at the donut and grass at night) (maybe they went looking for it when it was dark). I admit that my imagination ran wild while thinking about this picture. :-) Hopefully we can talk about your description when we see each other again. Love you.
- Kathy (Grandma H) on January 22, 2020
Oh my gosh Ben. This looks like a HUGE EYE!! I suppose it is one of the owl's eyes? I would like to see the whole owl someday. :-) Love you!
- Kathy (Grandma H) on January 22, 2020
Good Job Ben!! I think that I can "See" the owl's eye?? It looks like I am way too close to this owl. Your latest art work is a "Hoot". Love, Grampa Terry
- Terry on January 22, 2020
Great job Ben!! I wish that I had your painting skills. I love the colors. Love You, Grandpa Terry
- Terry on December 11, 2019
I can see that you have spent a lot of time and deep thought on this art work Ben. As I sit and look at the deep colors and ponder the shapes and lines----my mind goes many directions. Good job!! Love you, Grandpa Terry
- Terry on October 30, 2019
Yes this drawing IS very good (with many "O's" in it). I really like the bright orange and blue colors! Love you!
- Grandma Kathy H. on October 30, 2019
Hey Ben! I see how you did the fancy lines as part of the project line art. Then I set to thinking about the photo of Martha Stewart you put there. So since she is a lady who often does designs for homes, I figured the lines above her show all her creative thoughts popping out of her brain! Right? (I bet you might have a different explanation--next time I see you I hope you'll explain it to me) At any rate, it's a pretty cool picture!
- Grandma Kathy H. on October 30, 2019
Ben, You have created another great piece of art! This one makes me think and wonder about each part of your art work. Every body can study this and come up with a different story---that takes a great artist to do that. Good job!!! Love you--Grandpa Terry
- Terry on October 30, 2019
Ben---This is GREAT. That sky is beautiful----good job!! Love Ya, Grandpa Terry
-- Terry
- on May 15, 2019
Hey Ben! This is really a great picture. Brrr, it looks chilly there in Antarctica. It would be really neat to have this picture in a frame! Love you a lot, Grandma H.
-- Kathy (Grandma H)
- on May 15, 2019
Keep up the good work Ben! Looks like another winning poster to frame. Lots of Love----Grandpa Harris
-- Terry
- on April 25, 2019
Ben, great picture! I really like it. It sounds like you are learning about history and geography too, along with art. Love you, Grandma H.
-- Kathy
- on April 25, 2019
Good job Ben! I wish that I could have your painting skills--I would become famous some day! Love, Grandpa Terry.
-- Terry
- on April 5, 2019
Whoa Ben! Agree with Grandpa that it's pretty scary. To me, looks like a huge orange monster head using its very long sharp nail-like teeth to chomp its way through a green meadow. What? That's not it? Let's talk about it next time we see each other! Love you, Grandma Kathy H.
-- Kathy
- on October 10, 2018
This is very scary Ben-----my two hours are over and I am still alive!!! That is the good part. Keep up the good work Grandpa Terry
-- Terry
- on September 6, 2018
Wow Ben I like this! it's got great colors and is a nice collage. Looks like you got a star on it too (lower right corner). Way to go. Love you, Grandma Kathy H.
-- Kathy
- on May 30, 2018
Good job Ben! Very colorful and cheerful art work Love you-----Grandpa.
-- Terry
- on May 16, 2018
I love this picture Ben! Looks like the fall colors we are beginning to see right now. Love from Grandma Harris
-- Kathy
- on October 25, 2017
Good job Ben!! Very colorful---- let's go there and play! Love, Grandpa
-- Terry
- on September 13, 2017
Nice job Ben !! Pretty colors. Love, Grandpa Terry
-- Terry
- on August 24, 2017
Nice work Benny Boo! That sun makes me smile!
-- Dad
- on September 6, 2017
Hey Ben! How cool! Love your name as art.
-- Grandma Kathy H.
- on September 13, 2017
Ben--I like your latest work of art--keep up the good work!!! Love, Grandpa Terry
-- Terry
- on September 13, 2017
Good job Ben!! See ya soon-----Grandpa Harris
-- Terry
- on March 30, 2017
Very Cool Ben! Nice work! - Dad
-- Ted
- on March 16, 2017