Paige10743's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Paige10743's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This picture is very creative and the colors are beautiful . This looks like a rainbow.
-- Kathy
- on September 4, 2019
GREAT work, Paige! Love the colors on this one and the dimensions of your mountains!
-- Mom
- on May 5, 2019
Looks like a very cute piglet. Good job Paige
-- Kathy
- on September 4, 2019
Great stuff Paige, I love seeing your hard work! Cool art!
-- Rick
- on September 4, 2019
This looks real good. I can see this being a stained glass window.
-- grandma Kathy
- on July 22, 2018
This is great Paige! Very creative with such a cool design! Awesome job!
-- Dad
- on July 22, 2018
Paige, this is amazing! I love the use of colors, it looks really cool and you must have put some hard work into it. Thank you for sharing!
-- Dad
- on July 22, 2018
This looks like a candy land garden. Very "Sweet".
-- grandma Kathy
- on July 22, 2018
This is interesting art. You'll have to tell what you were thinking. I thought of the volcano in Hawaii or someone sitting on a rock meditating. Good job!!
-- grandma Kathy
- on July 22, 2018
Very good Paige. You used some good color here and I can see your name spelled out. Keep up the good work.
-- grandma kathy
- on July 22, 2018
Paige, you are a constant amazement! Thank you for the spot of green! It's like waiting for spring and seeing a glimmer! Keep up the good work! Aunt Lylea
-- Lylea
- on July 22, 2018
Way to go Paige! I love seeing how creative you are! Hugs from Grandma
-- Nancy (Grandma)
- on March 1, 2017
This is terrific Paige. I love the purple frame
-- grandma kathy
- on March 1, 2017