Wow!! I love the display of all the bright colors!! Awesome job!!!
- Grandma Kris on February 10, 2020
This is beautiful Sam!
- Rachel (Mother) on February 4, 2020
Sam, I love your new artwork. That is a very good picture of abstract art! Love Grandma Julie
- Julia on October 30, 2019
Sam !! Your new piece of artwork is spectacular !! I love the bright and bold colors and a few accent colors added in !! A little pop of color makes it fun !! Awesome !!
- Kristie on October 30, 2019
Wow Sam, good work on the abstract art!
- Rachel (Mother) on October 27, 2019
Sam, I just saw your latest artwork. What a great picture! I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work! Love Grandma Julie
- Julia on October 30, 2019
Sam, I just saw your latest artwork. What a great picture! I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work! Love Grandma Julie
- Julia on October 30, 2019
Sam, I just saw your latest artwork. What a great picture! I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work! Love Grandma Julie
- Julia on October 30, 2019
This must have taken quite a bit of time Sam! I like the color. -- Mom
- on April 30, 2019
This picture is amazing !! You did an awesome job with all the different colors !! The fish look really good !! Good job Sam !! -- Kristie
- on April 30, 2019
Sam, I love your new picture of the goldfish. They're so colorful. You are such a good artist! Love Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on April 30, 2019
You did an awesome job on the pirate Sam !! Keep up the creativity ! Love Grandma Kris -- Kristie
- on November 14, 2018
Wow Sam that's a very realistic looking pirate. Looks just like Captain Hook. -- Grandma Julie
- on November 14, 2018
What a mean looking pirate Sam! I love it. -- Mom
- on October 30, 2018
This is a colorful picture Sam! Love it! -- Mom
- on May 13, 2018
Sam, I just saw your latest artwork. Very cool. You just get better everyday, Love Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on May 13, 2018
I love the cardinals!! They stand out so well against the blue !! Great job Sam !! -- Grandma Kris
- on February 20, 2018
This may be my favorite one yet Sam! -- Rachel
- on February 17, 2018
Sam, I love your picture of Cardinals in Winter. I would like to order that picture to put in my sunroom. You are so talented love Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on February 17, 2018
Wow Sam. I love your reindeer. He looks just like Rudolph. You're so talented! -- Julia
- on January 2, 2018
What a beautiful reindeer Sam! -- Mom
- on December 28, 2017
That is the cutest reindeer I have ever seen !! Good job Sam !!!! -- Kris
- on December 28, 2017
I love how the 2 colors look so good together !!! Good job Sam !!! -- Grandma Kris
- on December 6, 2017
Sam, I opened up my email today and got a big scare. I saw a Big Orange Pumpkin looking back at me. And then I saw it was some of your new artwork. Sam you are so artistic. I love your latest work love Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on November 8, 2017
Very nice Sam! -- Mom
- on November 1, 2017
That is the best looking pumkin I have ever seen !!! Very good Sam !! Keep it up !!! -- Kris
- on November 1, 2017
Sam, I really like your new art work. You are such a good artist! Keep up the good work! Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on July 5, 2017
He was talking about this piece this morning! Very excited... -- Rachel
- on May 3, 2017
I loved the picture of the flowers in all different colors !! And showing how you hold them in your hand !! Awesome !!! -- Kristie
- on July 5, 2017
Wow Sam, your flowers are colorful. Perfect artwork for the first day of Spring! -- Rachel
- on March 20, 2017
Sam, I love your new picture of flowers. I think they are beautiful. What a good picture for the first day of spring!!! Love, Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on March 20, 2017
Sam, I love your picture of a dog running. It looks like a very fast, strong dog. It looks like he's having a lot of fun running. You are such a good artist. I really enjoy your work! Love you, Grandma Julie -- Julia
- on March 20, 2017
What great details Sam! I love all the spots and dots! Aunt Becca -- Rebecca
- on March 1, 2017
I love the way it looks like the dog is running with both legs up and flying almost !! The spots around him are different colors !! Amazing !!!!Great job !!! -- Kristie
- on March 1, 2017
Great job Sam. You are such a good artist. Keep up the good work! -- Grandma Julie
- on February 22, 2017
I love how the dots are different sizes and the ring around one eye. What great detail! -- Rachel
- on February 16, 2017
Awesome !! You did a wonderful job on President Lincoln !!! I love his blue eyes !! -- Kris
- on February 8, 2017
Great job, Sam. Looks just like the real President Lincoln. I'm so proud of you -- Grandma Julie