Courtney830's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Courtney830's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Courtney! you did an awsome job! the saddle looks really good! and that looks just like ur dad! ~luv ya emily~
- on January 11, 2008
Courtney your drawing is just beautiful. Every year your art has been improving and showing more depth. Keep up the great work. Nannie is so very proud of you..
- on January 11, 2008
It's an alien monster? This is really COOL how you used your name to make an abstract painting. Nice job!
- on December 6, 2006
Courtney, I love your Mr and Mrs Claus, it reminds me of your Me-Maw's Christmas yard scene.
- on December 6, 2006
Hi Courtney, You are doing a great job.. Stay with it and you will go far in the art industry.. Proud of you.. Love, Nannie
- on December 6, 2006
Way to WEAVE Courtney!! Love Ya
- on December 6, 2006
Courtney you did an outstanding job on your initial print. I love how you turned the letter C into a horse, that was very creative!
- on May 16, 2006
- on March 31, 2006
Courtney you have out done yourself on your self portrait. You have become quite the young artist. I wonder were you get your talent from, not your Dad!!You come from a long generation of artists on your mom's side of course. Keep up the drawing, remember there is always more techniques to use and try. I am very proud of you!
- on March 14, 2006
Courtney you did a great job keep up the great work. Maybe you could teach Nannie how to draw.. Love, Nannie
- on March 14, 2006
Courtney you did a wonderful job drawing the beach scene.
-- from Mom
- on February 10, 2006
Courtney that art is very good for your age. Most fifth graders can't draw as good as that. I am a 6th grader and I to have artwork on this website if you would like to see it stop by ad go to the name Marcus 291!!
-- from Marcus
- on February 10, 2006
Courtney you are growing up to be a great young artist. Mom is so very proud of you. Keep up the good work. I love you!
-- from Mom
- on December 31, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on December 31, 2005