Jase7's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Jase7's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jase-I love your artwork----Picasso[Look Out-Jase is on the prowl]--Uncle Bee
- on February 12, 2007
Wow Jase, I know this will look awesome in your room!!!! I LOVE it!! Mom
- on February 8, 2007
Jase-man...I love your artwork. You're soooo creative. Keep this talent and use it to your best ability. You never know how famous you could be! I love you!! Jus :D
- on February 7, 2007
Hey this is Emily N, every body did something simple but you chose to do somthing hard with turned out realy good!
- on March 27, 2006
What up this is Emily N that Buck that you did is ALSOME!It looks so real !
- on March 27, 2006
Hi this is Emily N your artwork is better than all those older kids artwork see ya at school!
- on March 27, 2006
This is remarkably detailed. I really like the contrast in the shadowing. You've captured everything...You have really come a long way. You really need to frame this. I hope you're keeping a sketching pad and dating your work. I can't wait to see your work in our yearbook one day. Keep up the FABULOUS work!
- on March 10, 2006
Jase, Always enjoy viewing your artwork. Keep up the good work! :) I work with your Aunt Becky in Tomball.
-- from Carolynn
- on February 28, 2006
I love this Jase!!! It really looks good with all of Frank's Native American stuff in our house!!! :) Love you and keep p the good work!
-- from Mom
- on February 24, 2006
Good job Jase! Jack also used the camo-colored yarn in his project! See ya and keep up the good art-work!Luv Miz Tanya!
-- from Miz Tanya
- on February 24, 2006
Hey jase you did good on you hands. Can you make me one.
-- from Your friend Courtney
- on February 24, 2006
Jase, I love the Christmas Tree! and I'm sure Mr. Reid would like the Kyak...and Jack the surf board!! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what's next!! Luv ya, Miz Tanya!
-- from Miz Tanya
- on December 13, 2005
Great job, Jase!
-- from Carolynn
- on December 13, 2005
WOW Jase! Thats a beautiful picture, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Love You, Jessica
-- from Jessica
- on November 11, 2005
Jase...this is beautiful!!! I love the sunset. It is my favorite time of day and you captured it very realistically. Love,
-- from Mom
- on November 9, 2005
Jase, the contrast is striking! I am amazed that even the orange and yellow casts are gradients of each other. The droop of the horse's tail and head together with the slump of the man tell the story of their exhaustion after a day of work. Tremendous effort!
-- from Vonda Hodges
- on November 9, 2005
Great picture, Jase!
-- from Carolynn(I work with Becky
- on November 9, 2005
Good job, Jase! I work with your Aunt Becky. C. Trochesset, RN Tomball ISD
-- from C. Trochesset, RN
- on October 16, 2005
Hey Jase, this is Aunt Becky's friend, Debbie. I love your artwork, Keep creating!
-- from Debbie
- on October 16, 2005
-- from Jessica
- on September 20, 2005
The horse is fabulous! I especially like the shadowing effect. You're doing great!
-- from Mrs. Hodges
- on September 18, 2005
Jase is very talented. I love the camouflage hand. Everything is colorful, and the colors compliment each other.
-- from His favorite teacher
- on September 2, 2005
Wow Jase!! I think you showed a lot of creativity in your hands! Just another way you are wonderful!!!! Love,
-- from Mom
- on September 2, 2005
Cool! There is a definite message in your picture! You are a great artist....keep working! Love ya,
-- from Aunt Becky
- on September 2, 2005
Jase---How cool
-- from Granma Dale
- on September 2, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on September 2, 2005