Micah4517's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Micah4517's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job Micah I love the colors Grandma Becky S.
-- Becky (mom)
- on May 29, 2019
Good job Micah, Love Grandma Becky in Texas
-- Becky (mom)
- on January 3, 2019
Great job Micah, it must be really cold there if the snowmen are turning blue....
-- Grandma V
- on February 14, 2018
Very nice, Micah. I love Jesus for what he did for us too!
-- Becky
- on February 14, 2018
Good job Micah. Looks like you really concentrated on this project. I like all the different colors you used. Glad I get to see these online. Would love to see them up close too. Love you
-- Becky
- on February 14, 2018
It looks like an airplane. I think my airplane looks better.
-- Grandpa V
- on April 13, 2017
Micah, I saw your artwork and I really love your choice of colors. Very pretty together. Good job.
-- Grandma Becky
- on April 13, 2017