Dexter will be disappointed to hear that you drew a dog, but surely he'll understand once he sees this masterpiece. -- Uncle
- on March 4, 2019
Hadley, this piece LEAVES my breathless. I am really FALLing for your artwork. -- Wil
- on March 4, 2019
Hadley - I am so glad you are back in school so we can get artwork updates again! This is very cool and reminds me of Fall. Love you pretty girl! -- Emily
- on March 4, 2019
Polka dot perfection -- Wil
- on March 4, 2019
My personal favorite! LEGOS ARE THE COOLEST. Also, your handwriting is now officially better than mine. Well done. -- Wil
- on May 23, 2018
Hadley - this one is very neat! I love the shapes and spots! I am very proud of how creative you are! -- Emily
- on May 23, 2018
So cool, Hadley! I cant wait to hang this on the fridge when you bring it home! :) -- Angela
- on January 26, 2018
Very interesting, Had! I love your use of color and the cross you drew! Well done! -- Angela
- on January 26, 2018
Really neat, Had!! So proud of you! You -- Angela
- on January 12, 2018
Hadley - This may be my favorite one yet! You are so creative. We love you! -- Emily
- on January 12, 2018
The carrot nose makes me hungry. -- Wil
- on January 12, 2018
So beautiful, Hadley! I love the colors! I am reminded of God's glorious love through Jesus' when I look at this piece! -- Angela
- on November 14, 2017
Grandma loves the colors in your artwork. Keep up the good work! Love you. -- Sherry
- on November 29, 2017
Good looking dog you've got there, niece! -- Wil
- on October 20, 2017
Your art is so imaginative, Hadley! I'm very impressed! I can't wait to see what else you create! -- Angela