How did you do such perfect stars?? This picture makes me think of the 4tjh of July!! -- Grandma
- on November 15, 2017
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your picture that you drew, Lily!!! I really like the way you did the eyes! Keep up the good work! -- Grandma
- on November 15, 2017
Oh, I love this, Lily! I think it looks like Spring! Keep up the good work, I think you are very good at all of your art. :) Love, Grandma -- Grandma
- on November 15, 2017
I can picture your Daddy climbing up this ladder all the way to grab the moon for his Lily! I love the stars that you drew, you are very good at that. The ladder looks very real and must have been hard to make. Great job, Lily! -- Grandma
- on March 1, 2017
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Love Monster that you created! It's teeth look pretty pointy, but it looks kind of loveable! Great job using so many shapes and colors. And it must have been hard cutting all of the pieces out! You are my very favorite artist, you know! Love, Grandma -- Grandma