Felix959's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Felix959's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Felix, WOW, I am impressed with your amazing talent. The shading is great, helping you show the expression on your gorillas face. I see the sadness in your friends eyes, how can we support someone who is sad? It's important to be a true friend when someone you care about needs a lift up.
- Jane on January 20, 2020
Great gnome Buddy! Great bird also! You have quite an imagination and I can't wait for you to tell me the gnome's story as only you can.
- Jane on January 15, 2020
Felix, I am very impressed with your interpretation of what you think depression must feel like. The colors and the expression on how hard a person suffering from depression has to work to even stand is insitvile. I hope this helps you understand how people suffering need to reach out for help or if a friend is suffering extend a helping hand.
- on October 2, 2019
This looks like a biting, skin slashing, bone crushing piranha to me but made with very beautiful colors. I would love to see this fish but not be in the water with this particular fish.
-- Jane
- on October 6, 2017
This reminds me of autumn, my favorite time of year.
-- Jane
- on October 6, 2017
I would love to come live in your Treehouse. Did you add the Starbucks for you Dad and Mom? You have a very creative mind and the ability to add constructive ideas that could make your idea work.
-- Jane
- on October 6, 2017