Tessa2808's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Tessa2808's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh Tessa, this is our favorite artwork so far --- what a cute elephant. You did an excellent job with proportions and detail. You need to take a picture and email it to Great Grandma. She will love it. Reminds us of the several elephants we have here in the library. Great job. Love ya, G and B
- Judy and Mike on January 17, 2020
Dear Tessa - I’m so excited to see what 2019/20 brings us from your colorful palette! I can’t wait to see more of your creative and fun artwork!
- Aunt Bridget on October 16, 2019
Tessa, fun to see your current artwork. Glad you are still enjoying it. I still use my "pumpkin" coffee mug in the morning - and think of you when I fill it. Keep up the good work. love ya, Gma
- Judy on October 16, 2019
Tessa, creative art work. You'll have to tell me what it is. Glad you are still interested in art. You can have fun with it for years and years. Beeda
- Mike on October 16, 2019
Hey Tess! That's cool! Did you form it by hand from clay? I'm wondering what the center of the sun is made from...a cool stone? When only a tiny picture was showing I couldn't tell it was a sun-I thought it might be a sunny-side-up egg! :) I like the sun better! Love Aunt Kyle
-- Kyle
- on May 23, 2018
Tessa, you made another very nice piece of art work. It's quite colorful and could be used to store little doggie treats. I'm going to put it on my Father's Day gift list. Beeda and Gma
-- Mike
- on May 23, 2018
Tessa, Gma and Beeda are sooooo proud of you for being selected 1 of 3 from your school to send their artwork to China. That is FABULOUS. Great Job!!!
-- Judy and Mike
- on April 19, 2018
Tessa I really wish I knew what this banner said! I'm going to guess that it says Happy New Year and Happy Spring! I love the colors! What a fun project!!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on April 11, 2018
WHAT?!!! This is so cool Tessa! What does it say?! Is this another language?!
-- Kyle
- on April 11, 2018
Tessa-Really nice job on the "vanishing point" technique to get the architecture to look right! I also like how the road only leads to sunny days ahead! :) Good job! Love Aunt Kyle
-- Kyle
- on January 4, 2018
I really like this picture Tessa. It lets me use my imagination too. Who's house is that? What is the name of the business and who is in the window? Where does that road lead to? Is that a sunrise or a sunset? So many questions! Nice work again with the 3-D!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on December 13, 2017
Wow Tessa - I thought I was sitting right there in that room! Nice work with the 3-D effect. I love how the fire in the fireplace is 3-D too. This picture gives me a nice warm feeling. Can you tell me where I can buy that ceiling light? I really like it! Merry Christmas!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on December 13, 2017
Tessa, I really like these two pencil drawing of a living room and landscape. They show depth like you are looking down a road or at the end of a room. Good work. Can't wait to see you soon.
-- Beeda
- on December 13, 2017
Wow, Tessa, another pretty and colorful art piece. Wouldn't it be fun to go back to Hawaii ? Miss you, but will see you soon. B & G
-- Mike
- on November 2, 2017
Well, Tessa this is really cool! It was so interesting to learn that you like Dolphins, Tulips and Plum Trees! I think this looks just like you and all the cool shapes, and patterns and colors really show your creativity. I think this piece of art is really fun! Nice job!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on November 2, 2017
Tessa - that is a beautiful piece of art, keep up the great work! Dad
-- Dave
- on November 2, 2017
This is the most beautiful fish ever! So much more colorful than I have ever seen! Do you think Dad catches fish that look this good? I love my new mug with this picture on it! I'll think of you ever time I sip my coffee! Keep up the good work my little artist!
-- Mom
- on October 9, 2017
Are you kidding me Tess? This looks JUST LIKE YOU!! I love all the colors and shapes. It kinda reminds me of an Easter egg! It's nice to see these colors because they remind me of Spring and not winter :(. I will look at this all winter long so I can feel happy! Nice job! Aunt Bridget
-- Bridget
- on October 3, 2017
Nice fish Tess! Love the colors and patterns! Hmmm...I'm guessing it's a fashionable girl fish!!
-- Kyle
- on September 25, 2017
Nice work Tessa, that's a beautiful family portrait. Art Prize 2017!!!
-- Dave
- on July 5, 2017
Tessa, I love this picture of your family! I feel like I know something about each person by the pictures on their shirts! Are those yoga pants your mom has on?! This one is a favorite of mine. It makes me smile :) Love you!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on July 5, 2017
Hey I like it! All looking good...must be some good music playing in that elevator!! Good job Tess!
-- Kyle
- on April 12, 2017
Tessa, another fine piece of art work. It looks just like your family ! I'm using my coffee mug just about every day. It makes my tea taste better. See you soon.
-- Mike
- on April 12, 2017
Tessa, I LOVE this rendering of your family. The eyes and smile on Jami even look like Jami. You really do nice work. Maybe you can draw all ten of us for a family "photo". Great work!! Love, Gma
-- Judy/Gma
- on April 12, 2017
Your little bird is so cute. Reminds me of Spring and all the new little baby birds we will soon see around the house! Nice detail and colors you chose. I am impressed and looking forward to your next art project!
-- Pagiel
- on March 6, 2017
Hey! Good job Tess! Birds are not always the easiest thing to draw! Your bird reminds me of the chickadees in my yard. Keep up the good work...can't wait to see more! Aunt Kyle
-- Kyle
- on March 6, 2017
Tessa - you art skills continue to amaze me. Keep up the good work. I cant wait to see your next masterpiece! Dad
-- Dave
- on March 1, 2017
Tessa, love the colorful bird picture. You continue to amaze me with your artwork. Great job. My favorite is still the pumpkins. Will watch for your next entry. Keep up the great work. Love and miss you, Gma
-- Judy/Gma
- on February 28, 2017
T, I really like your Michigan bird art piece. We have birds like that in Florida as well. Great Grandma is visiting us. She liked all 3 of the pieces you did so far. Make sure you tell your teacher what a good artist Great Grandma is. She can help you practice when out of school. Mike ( Beeda )
-- Mike
- on February 19, 2017
I just love this, Tessa! Such a pretty bird and the different leaves in all the colors make this very pleasant to look at. This should be on a greeting card! Again, nice work!!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on February 19, 2017
Tessa, remind your Mom and Dad that Gma has a birthday in June, and would really LOVE a pumpkin coffee mug. Maybe they can order one. Again, that picture is really GREAT. Hugs, Gma
-- Judy/Gma
- on February 6, 2017
Tessa, I LOVE these pumpkins, especially the shape and shades of color. You used your imagination and it was GREAT. Sure look forward to seeing a surprise of a new art piece done by you. Great Grandma Reed will be sooooo pleased with your talents. Love ya, Gma
-- Judy/Gma
- on February 6, 2017
Tessa, B and G just got back from our trip to Cuba. It was a nice surprise to see your newest piece of artwork. Now I don't know which one to get on my coffee cup. Keep up the good work. B
-- Mike
- on February 6, 2017
Very nice! I like the use of your colors...especially on the pumpkins to show all the different shades of orange! I'm guessing it's also a garden by the looks of the other plants sprouting up! Good work!
-- Kyle
- on February 6, 2017
Another masterpiece! Nice work, Tessa! I love the detail in the pumpkins and the richness of the colors that you used. The shading in the pumpkins looks very professional and the contrast against the blue background is refreshing! Send more!!
-- Aunt Bridget
- on February 2, 2017
Best name for the Best little Tessa I know! Your biggest fan! Mama P
-- Pagiel
- on January 30, 2017
Tessa, very pretty art work. Beeda can't wait to get one of the coffee mugs with your art work on it for my birthday. Keep up the good work. This web site is a great way for us to see your pieces. Hope you get a good report card. Beeda
-- Mike
- on January 23, 2017
I like it! Nice design with all the various patterns and shapes!
-- Kyle
- on January 23, 2017
Tessa - not only a very "cool" name, but your artwork is also "cool". Anxious to follow your postings. Glad we are in your Fan Club. Hugs
-- Judy/Gma
- on January 23, 2017
Tessa this is AMAZING!! Besides the fact that you have such a COOL name, the colors are really nice and the detail that you added in the background is so interesting and FUN! I can tell you put a lot of thought into your art piece. It shows just how creative you are! I can't wait to see more!! XOXO
-- Aunt Bridget
- on January 23, 2017