Josephine1845's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Josephine1845's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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love it. nice job Josie!
- DAD on February 23, 2020
Hi Josie, your drawings get better and better with every picture you draw. Please keep drawing, maybe next time you could draw me without wrinkles!!!!!!!! Love you
- Nana on January 22, 2020
Love this piece Josie! Xoxo Mom
- Nicki (Mother) on October 8, 2019
This creation has me guessing what the story of it is?? You made it so I love ?? it almost as much as I love you ??!! NAna
-- Nana
- on April 17, 2019
-- Mom
- on April 3, 2019
I just checked my mail guess what I saw ----- another super drawing by my granddaughter! Keep up the good work Josie and we love your drawings. Nana
-- Nana
- on April 17, 2019
I can't wait to go to the beach with you! Beautiful drawing, Josie!!!!
-- Mom
- on March 27, 2019
We need bubbles!!! I love ii - especially the big smile!
-- Mom
- on March 27, 2019
love it just hanging at the beach
-- Jeff
- on March 27, 2019
Very snazzy picture.... Hmm wonder whose room is it?? Papa
-- Virgil
- on January 27, 2019
-- Nicki
- on January 22, 2019
Love it Jojo, I really like the swing set outside. Keep up the great work. Love daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Jeff
- on January 30, 2019
Hi Josie: Great colors in your new piece of art.. XOXO Papa
-- papa
- on December 12, 2018
Nice job, Josie!!!!
-- MOM
- on November 6, 2018
Hi Josie! I really like this piece of artwork, it is so colorful and also each piece of paper seems to be placed very nicely. I hope you keep using your imagination in your artwork.
-- Nana
- on February 1, 2018
Verrrrrry Snazzy Piece of Art Work JoJo..... Picaso???
-- Papa
- on February 1, 2018
This is my new favorite!!!! Way to go, Josie! xoxox Mom
-- Nicki
- on January 18, 2018
This is my personal favorite. Great job jojo!
-- Dad
- on January 18, 2018
Super cool!
-- Mom
- on January 8, 2018
Hi Josie, I have to tell you how talented I think you are. Please keep using all of your talents. Your art is super. LOVE you. Nannie
-- Nana
- on January 8, 2018
Wow! This looks good enough to eat! The bright colors you used are amazing! Keep up the good work!~
-- Mom
- on October 26, 2017
I LOVE your drawings, Josie! They look like they are jumping right out of the page! Good job!
-- Mom
- on October 26, 2017
Great job jojo, You will be great at what ever you do. Love Dad
-- Jeff
- on September 27, 2017
Hi Josie! I love your artwork! Beautiful colors and a happy face! Good job! xoxoxo Mom
-- Nicki Costello
- on September 25, 2017
Absolutely beautiful!!
-- Nicki
- on May 24, 2017
I like your interpretation of the pink kitty! Keep me posted on new creations.
-- Papa!
- on February 22, 2017
Papa and I love your art work and we are so proud of you. I'm going to get Papa a new cup with your art on it. Please keep working on more art. We love you, Nana and Papa
-- Nana
- on February 22, 2017
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