This little guy looks very inquisitive, very nice Ellie. -- Nonna
- on May 3, 2018
Love your creativity Ellie. -- Nonna
- on May 3, 2018
very artistic and clever little girl......soooo proud to call her my granddaughter. -- Nonna
- on May 3, 2018
Very nice colors Ellie. -- Nonna
- on May 3, 2018
Ellie continues to amaze her Nonna with artist abilities. I love all of her creative artwork! Xxxooo Nonna -- Nonna
- on February 14, 2018
Ellie, this little fish looks like he is on a mission to find someone or something. Keep up the good work. Love, Nonna -- Nonna
- on November 16, 2017
I love these three cute little guys, they look alike, they must be related. I look forward to seeing your new artwork, you are so creative. Love. Nonna -- Nonna
- on November 16, 2017
Ellie you continue impress your Nonna with your art abilities. Keep up the good work and always keep your are so creative. Love, Nonna -- Nonna
- on November 16, 2017
I like her using the moon as a foil for the black owl. Very spooky indeed. -- Gogo
- on November 8, 2017
Eleanor is one smart talented little girl....I love her artwork! Nonna -- Judith
- on February 26, 2017
What a great rocket! I wonder if she saw the flame plume in a video of a launch? Does Ellie know where the rockets go? We can talk about this after Christmas. XO -- Gogo