Alex1763's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Alex1763's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Baby, I'm so proud of all your accomplishments. I promise that you'll be very successful! I love you. Mom
- on October 31, 2009
Dear Alex, I am proud to be your Mom. You have so many areas of talent, that I am amazed by you! Always remember how important you are, and how very much I love you. Your Mom
- on October 13, 2009
Alex, your artwork is INCREDIBLE!!!
- on October 7, 2009
Alex: My Little Chickadee! You have another excellent work of art! Poppy and I just love it. I see some birds too! We can't wait for your next one. Love, Maw
- on October 7, 2009
Alex, I think your artwork is very good and I would love for you to continue with it. I can see from your work that one day you will be a fine artist. I love you sweetie! Love, Dewey...
- on May 9, 2006
Hey Alex! You've done it again Sweetie! What a wonderful artist you are. Love, Maw
- on March 20, 2006
Keep up the good work...
-- from Keith Hulshouser
- on December 25, 2005
Alex: What an amazing young lady you are. We've always enjoyed your wonderful artwork. Keep up the good work! Love, Maw and Poppy
-- from Maw and Poppy
- on December 16, 2005
My Dear Sweetheart, You have the ability to capture personality in all of your characters, using a limited amount of lines. You are truly an artist! I love you,
-- from Mommy
- on December 14, 2005
Alex, What an awesome-looking snake! Keep it up, girl, and you'll go far
-- from Mrs. Hamiter
- on December 14, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on December 14, 2005