Maxwell3677's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Maxwell3677's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Max, the sunflowers are wonderful! Van Gogh would be so happy that you made your own interpretation. Just terrific. Love, Judith
- Judith on January 31, 2020
Max, Wow! You captured the spirit of Monet's "Waterlilies" beautifully. I'm so impressed with your interpretation. Keep up the terrific work! --Judith
-- Judith
- on May 5, 2019
Max, your self-portrait in the style of Gustav Klimt is terrific -- you really captured him. You look very kingly in your crown! I like that you made it orange 00 one of your favorites. :)
-- Judith
- on May 5, 2019
Max, very cool robots! Nice work!
-- Judith
- on May 5, 2019
Max, your fish is gorgeous -- absolutely fantastic!
-- Aunt Judith
- on September 14, 2018
Your depiction of a turtle is charming. Keep up your good work. It's fun to draw some of the animals you see on your nature adventures. Maybe you can think of some more animals you have observed.
-- Lois And Roger
- on August 2, 2018
Granddad said this picture looks very much in the style of a famous French Post-Impressionist artist named Matisse! We hope you will continue painting such creative pictures.
-- Lois And Roger
- on August 2, 2018
Max, I love your latest artistic creation! What wonderful vibrant colors you have chosen for this very colorful tropical-looking fish. Great imagination!
-- Lois And Roger
- on August 2, 2018
This is a new one and I really like it. Your colors are so bright. The drawing reminds me of a cartoon character called a roadrunner, a type of bird we don't see around here. In the cartoon Wily Coyote is always chasing him but can never catch him. Your drawing gets more and more complex and interesting, and really fun to look at it and imagine a story around it. Love, Grandma XXXX
-- Lois And Roger
- on May 10, 2018
WOW! I love all your bright colors, Max. They all look as if they are dancing. Maybe they are listening to some music that makes them feel happy and want to dance and their feet are just running away with them in time to the music. Anyway, keep on with your drawing -- you are really getting good at it. Love, Grandma XXX
-- Lois And Roger
- on May 10, 2018
Max, this might be my favorite piece of art that you've done yet -- fabulous! Move over Picasso! Love it!
-- Judith
- on May 10, 2018
I like the way you drew your mother and father, your sister and yourself with the cute little house drawn along side. Maybe you could draw some chickens and the new baby chicks in your next picture. Also, maybe you could draw the cute new kittens too. Keep up the good work, Max! Love, Grandma xxx
-- Lois And Roger
- on November 15, 2017
Hi Max, I love your new drawing of the house, the starry night, and the crescent moon. It's beautiful!
-- Judith
- on November 15, 2017
I think this facial form, color and shaping of the eyes, nose, mouth, along with the side curls symbolically conveys my recollection of migraine headaches, although the eyes remind me a little bit of two slices of hard-boiled eggs. The face to the right has a Christmas-colored crewcut and a very colorful collection of facial spots caused by a rare exotic flea, or else eating too many chocolate M & Ms.
-- Lois
- on November 15, 2017
Max, I adored your beautiful mask. Your new artwork makes me think of SpongeBob's Christmas cousin all decked out in red and green. I like him! I'm looking forward to your next piece. xoxox
-- Judith
- on November 15, 2017
Max, you certainly captured the essence of Post-expressionistic German art, and the anxiety and trauma brought on by World War I. Max Beckmann, Egon Schiele, and the Norwegian painter who painted "The Scream," Edvard Munch would be very proud of you. Your strong, bold, direct approach, and vivid, raw colors add to the stark, frightened expression. Not adding any skin tones was a brilliant touch, I must say. Well done!
-- Lois And Roger
- on November 15, 2017
Max, your mask is absolutely gorgeous! I LOVE your colors, and the features on the face are really wonderful. TERRIFIC job!!
-- Judith
- on November 15, 2017
Love your new self-portrait. I didn't know you had so many teeth. A dinosaur would be jealous! it's a good thing you use them to chew your food and not attack dinosaurs like a carnivorous T-rex.
-- Grandma Lois
- on January 25, 2017
Your portraits of your mom and your latest one, the self-portrait, are delightful and are showing definite advancement in your artistic skills. Faces are not easy to draw, but you are showing definite progress the more drawings you make. I really enjoy seeing your artwork on your school's website. Tell your teacher how much we like seeing your artwork and tell her your grandma says thank you. Love, Grandma XXX
-- Grandma Lois
- on January 25, 2017
excellent use of color, spatial design and knowing that coloring-within-the lines is neither necessary nor creative. love, your grandmother
-- Lois And Roger
- on January 4, 2017
Hi Max -- With the green body and the red hat, this looks like the Christmas Grinch to me! Art is very often subjective -- interpreted by the person who sees it -- and I see a Grinch! Well done! Lots of love -- jt
-- Judith
- on January 4, 2017