Hi, My hamdsome Grandson, This was really, really cool. You have a great creative mind. This project looks like it took alot of work. GREAT JOB!!!
- Joyce on May 29, 2020
Hi Westin, I viewed your treasure chest art work. It was really cool. I especially liked the key and lock. GREAT JOB! Love you. G-Ma and G-Pa
- Joyce on May 14, 2020
Nice work buddy!! You're so cool!
- Pops on May 13, 2020
Awesome Westin!!! Looks cool and 3D! You are a great kid.
- Jeremy on May 6, 2020
This was a fun process to watch. I loved the final outcome. Great job my little artist!
- Liza on April 27, 2020
Hi Westin, You have such a great imagination. I love your art work. So creative. Hope you have a nice week! Love you! G-Ma and G-Pa
- Joyce on April 27, 2020
Awesome Westin! Love Dad
- Jeremy (Father) on April 21, 2020
Hello Westin, First I want to tell you how much I miss you and your family. I really love your beetle and pigeon. I was thinking that you could give them each a name because you said that they are friends:) You have very good art and drawing skills. You are the BEST! Love you, G Ma in the yellow house:)
- Joyce on April 27, 2020
Hi Westin, I am impressed with your Art Work. Your presentation was AWESOME. I also liked your originality and the drawing were very unique. Keep up the great work:)