Lucille320's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Lucille320's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work, girl! The paintbrushes are the best!
- Mrs. Shannon (teacher at Lancaster High School) on February 1, 2023
Lucy, You always have so much color and interesting, unusual shapes. A joy to see. Grandma
- Grandma on August 19, 2020
Lucy, I love all your art work, but wish you would put a little puppy in one of them. A little black puppy.
- Mimi on July 29, 2020
Lucy, This is terrific. I guess I missed a few art works. Glad to see you have been busy. Grandma
- Grandma on June 17, 2020
Lucy, This is terrific. I guess I missed a few art works. Glad to see you have been busy. Grandma
- Grandma on June 17, 2020
Lucy, This is terrific. I guess I missed a few art works. Glad to see you have been busy. Grandma
- Grandma on June 17, 2020
Lucy, this is the best yet. I like very much
- Mimi on June 17, 2020
You have a wonderful imagination Lucy, and an interesting story. Papa says it came from your mother's genes, as he remembers when he and your mother made a movie together.
- Mimi on June 10, 2020
You have a wonderful imagination Lucy, and an interesting story.
- Mimi on June 10, 2020
Lucy, I love your movie. Perfect action and sound effects. Grandma
- Grandma on June 10, 2020
Lucy, That is funny! Love it.
- Grandma on March 25, 2020
You told a story, how nice. Very nice Lucy.
- Mimi on March 25, 2020
Lucy, Amazing work. You have a fantastic mind
- Grandma on March 25, 2020
My favorite, but I do like others also. Very proud of you Lucy.
- Mimi on March 18, 2020
Lucy I am so proud of you. What a wonderful imagination you have for ALL your artwork.
- Mimi on March 18, 2020
I am so impressed with your artwork, please keep up the good work.
- Mimi on March 11, 2020