Fantastic! This is one of your best pieces of art! We love it! Keep up the great work. Kinzie, Trey, Ty, Scotty & Tina PS That is cute how some people thought it was a cat, others a tiger, & still others Garfield. Like people didn't know ... it's so obvious! Good Job! -- from Cowleys in IA
- on November 16, 2005
Dear Abby, I love your picture of Garfield. Since he is a cat, Jake, Junior, and Hobbs like him too! I think you are becoming a very good artist. -- from #1Aunt Laura
- on November 12, 2005
Hi darling. I guess now that I look closer at your picture it does look kind of like Garfield. Way to go Abby. You are getting better and better. You must take after your mom, THE GREAT ONE!!!!!!!!! Love you lots and lots, mom -- from mom
- on November 10, 2005
Abby, Luke and I LOVE the cute picture of GARFIELD. We can't help it if no one else can tell the difference between Garfield and a tiger; maybe they should go back to school and get as smart and talented as you are. -- from Aunt Ann and cousin Luke
- on November 10, 2005
Abby, We love your picture,its so colorful. Keep up the great job. Jill,Bill.Abbey,Nick -- from Jill
- on November 10, 2005
Hi Abby ...Grandma Dolly just saw your great picture, you are really a good artist. I love all those beautiful colors you used in this picture..Grandma is so proud of you... Love you so much.... -- from Grandma Dolly
- on November 10, 2005
Abby...Great job!!!Beautiful color selection!!!Keep up the wonderful work. -- from Linda Leonard
- on November 9, 2005
Abby, We really love this picture. All the colors are so bright and you did such a great job drawing this picture. Keep up the great work. -- from Case
- on November 9, 2005
Abby your picture of this tiger is so beautiful. It is very nice to look at again and again. Great job!!!! -- from Case
- on November 9, 2005
Love that tiger!! -- from Aunt Goose, Uncle Mat, Ava & Jack
- on November 9, 2005
Dear Abby, I love the picture of you walking glacier! I am going to have to make a copy and put it up at work. Keep drawing lots of pretty pictures at school and at home. Love you, -- from Laura
- on May 18, 2005
Abby, What a great job you did. I love all the colors you used. Jill -- from Jill
- on May 18, 2005
WOW!!!! We didn't know we had such a wonderful artist in the family. Your picture is very good and so colorful. Keep up the GREAT work! -- from Aunt Ann, Uncle Paul, Noelle and Luke
- on May 18, 2005
Hi Abby Grandma Dolly thinks you are a great artist.. I love the smile you put on your face....Is glacier a puppy in this picture?...Tell Jill Papa & I send our love to you both... -- from Grandma Dolly
- on May 18, 2005
Abby I love your picture. I hope your day is as bright and cheery as you artwork. I will have to show Elise and Naomi when I get home tonight. Love Meredith -- from Meredith
- on May 18, 2005
WOW! That is beautiful! I love the princess and her castle (cute dog too!). Hope to see you soon! -- from Angel Weis
- on May 18, 2005
WOW! FANTASTIC! WE LOVE IT! ... Abby, you are a true artist! Kinzie looked at it, and said, "that's Abby with Glacier" --- is it? You did a wonderful job! Please keep up the great work. You did a good job on coloring and detail ... it looks like a sunny day!~ We love you! Scotty, Tina, Kinzie, Trey & Ty -- from The Cowleys in IA
- on May 18, 2005
Abby, We love yor picture; great colors!!! We love you, -- from Aunt Goose, Uncle Mat, Ava & Jack
- on May 18, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia