Ragan110's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Ragan110's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ragan, that is such a great picture you made! We are so proud of you, and love to see more of your art projects In the future. Love, Mimi
- Carolyn on October 7, 2020
Ragan, We LOVE your artwork! That red truck is SO GREAT. You did a wonderful job making that and your other projects. Keep up the good work!! Mimi and Tata
- Carolyn on December 18, 2019
Ragan, Your picture is fantastic! We both love it! Keep up the beautiful artwork and we’ll be watching to see more of it. Love you! MiMi & TaTa
- Carolyn on November 6, 2019
Ragan, Nana loves you and your art work!
-- Malinda
- on November 6, 2019
Ragan, this picture you made is wonderful! This gingerbread house and Santa’s HoHoHo make me feel it’s a snowy Christmas night. I love you! Mimi
-- Carolyn
- on February 7, 2018
Ragan, Love the fish and bowl picture you made! You are such a good artist! Love You! Mimi & Tata
-- Carolyn
- on May 24, 2017
Ragan, Your artwork is so pretty! We LOVE the spring flowers and bow you made. Way to go!! Love you! MiMi & TaTa
-- Carolyn
- on May 24, 2017
Ragan your flowers are pretty, good job !
-- Ricky
- on May 3, 2017
Looks good Ragan
-- Ricky
- on December 14, 2016
I LOVE IT!!!! It's a masterpiece.
-- Matt
- on November 24, 2016
Dear Ragan, Your picture is beautiful! The colors you used are bright and make us feel happy. We love the heart with all those creative shapes, dots and colors all over it. We love your picture and hope to see many more of them in the future. Love you! MiMi and TaTa
-- Carolyn
- on November 24, 2016
That is a pretty butterfly Ragan, keep up the good work, Papa
-- Ricky
- on November 24, 2016