PK, that is such a crazy bug! I love it! I think I would run away if I saw one like that coming towards me! -- Nena
- on November 28, 2018
Parker!! I love your drawing! You’ll have to tell me all about it next time I see you! You are such a creative artist! Love you, Nena -- Breanna
- on November 17, 2018
Love your painting so beautiful!!!! -- Tracy
- on November 30, 2016
Parker! Your pumpkin looks great- I love how you drew the pumpkin lines and than painted them on. I also love how the colors mix from yellow to dark orange!! Can't wait to see more of your art! -- Breanna
- on November 30, 2016
Great work Buddy!!! I love the Pac-Man Pumpkin you created. :) -- Vanessa