Alli640's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Alli640's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wonderful job Alli!! Loved to see all the items in your picture that mean a lot to you in your family (but where are Papa’s ducks?) ??
- Patsy on October 5, 2022
Another great art project Alli!! Loved your choice of colors and hanging them, very creative! Love, Grandma
- Patsy on June 8, 2022
Love this picture Alli!! Where did you get the idea? Keep up the great work!! Love, Grandma
- Patsy on April 6, 2022
Alli this is one of my favorite pieces of artwork you have done!! I love owls and this one almost looks real! You did a great job and was glad I got to see it in person at your house. Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing more of your art! :)
- Patsy on April 6, 2022
Love the cardinal Alli, Grandma always loves to see them on her feeder and you know how much Grandma Darlene loves them! Keep up the good work, your a wonderful artist!!
- Patsy on February 19, 2020
Great job Alli! Each piece of your artwork just keeps getting better and better!! Keep up the good work - Grandma loves them! This one is very colorful . . . .
-- Patsy
- on March 22, 2019
I LOVED your new artwork Alli. It is so colorful and you did a great job. Are these Grandma's flowers in your picture?
-- Grandma Patsy
- on October 10, 2018