Maggie6068's Comments (70)

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Below are comments about Maggie6068's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great colors, so unique!
- Pop on April 1, 2020
This looks like a patchwork quilt piece that would make a pretty pillow. I love the hearts at the end of the tenticles. If I already commented on this it is worth two. Love you.
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
Very Cheery. Almost looks like you could take brightly colored ribbons and make one of these and hang it outside. Love you.
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
Wow, big and bright. Love it. I just bought one to put in wood vase in dining room. Will send you a picture of it. Almost like mine was your model to paint. Good job. Love you.
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
This is quite a butterfly. If we use our imagination it kind of looks like a black moth that got his wings in bright yellow mustard. Art is many things to many people. We all can find many things related to one piece. Very nice work. Love you.
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
I LOVE all of the different ways you create your heart art. Keep up the good work. Love you.
- Maxine on January 29, 2020
I love the backround colors combined with the colorful leaves and various shapes of the leaves. You are doing a great job. Keep it up. Love you. GMA
- Grandma on January 29, 2020
Great job. Fall colors are almost here in Texas!
- Pop on January 29, 2020
I really like the hearts in hearts idea. My favorite is the 3rd biggest one which is turquoise with green curvy lines in it. Keep up the good work. Love you. GMA
-- Grandma
- on January 28, 2019
I like the heart and the colors
-- Pop
- on January 28, 2019
I love your reindeer. He looks so happy and friendly. He also has green eyes just like me! Looks like he is getting ready for Christmas Eve with his scarf with a bell and shiny polished up hooves. Love you, GMA
-- Maxine
- on January 23, 2019
Looks like a fun relaxing night to take a walk thru all of the trees in the forest. A light fluffy snow starts to fall and land on the trees and tickles your nose if you look up and let them land on your face. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on December 13, 2018
Bold wonderful colors for the sunset. I really like it!!!
-- Pop
- on December 13, 2018
I do believe the forests would be absolutely beautiful if some of the trees actually grew with all of these colors on them. There could also be the green ones to decorate inside with lights and ornaments but you would not need to decorate outside because they would be as gorgeous as yours. Good job. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on December 13, 2018
Your beautiful mountains remind me of colored candy corn. They go nicely against the purple sky and colored hills below. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on December 13, 2018
I like all of the patterns on your pumpkin. I did not carve one this year. I should have had a big picture of yours to put on my window. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on December 13, 2018
This is a very colorful owl, and a wise owl is he. Can he turn his head all of the way around? Does he say Whoo? Whoo? Whoo gave me these beautiful feathers? Good job kiddo. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on December 13, 2018
I would love to visit these colorful mountains! You have such a great eye for color, Maggie. I hope you keep doing art for many years! You are a wonderful artist!
-- ZaZa
- on December 13, 2018
Ohhhhh! I like this pumpkin so much! I like the patterns and rolling clouds. You do a great job repeating the patterns in each section. This would make a great wall hanging in my house at Halloween! Love you Maggie!
-- ZaZa
- on December 13, 2018
Brrrrr! I am not quite ready for the snow that will be coming....but this snowman looks absolutely thankful for the new snowfall! Very nice work, Maggie. Love you!
-- ZaZa
- on December 13, 2018
Maggie, I love your artwork! I wish your art teacher worked at my kids' school! I feel very peaceful and relaxed looking at your reflection picture. It is beautiful! Love you!
-- ZaZa
- on December 13, 2018
Big mountains!! Must be the Rockies.
-- Pop
- on October 11, 2018
What a neat way to make a piece of art. I have never seen a glued outline with chalk coloring before. You are so lucky to have teachers who can assist you in learning new and unique ways of doing art. Keep learning.
-- GMA
- on September 16, 2018
I just read how you did this. Great job! I thought you dipped pipe cleaners in paint and glued them on or set them on the paper and removed leaving the paint lines. I did not know you painted each line yourself. The flowers are quite cute as well. Proud of you.
-- Grandma Max
- on September 16, 2018
Great job again Maggie. Texas is well known for a variety of wildflowers. We should go look sometime.
-- Pop
- on September 7, 2018
Cool looking fish Maggie. I like the colors and I like the water. Is it a fish from the movie Dora? It looks like a fast swimmer and a healthy fish. Keep up the good work. Love you, GMA
-- Grandma Max
- on September 7, 2018
I am amazed how well you did this reflection scene. I am pretending I live on the top floor of the tall green building and I want you to visit to watch the fireworks with me. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on September 7, 2018
Cool looking Sunflowers. They are some of Suzanne’s favorite flowers. Did you ever try and grow some? They can get pretty tall. Maybe someday you can. Love you. GMA
-- Maxine
- on September 7, 2018
Maggie, I just love all of your artwork. Each piece makes me smile. I wish I could order a special book with all of the pictures! You have a wonderful eye for color! I always think your communicates such nice, uplifting energy! Thank you, Maggie, for sharing these with me! You make my heart so happy! Love you! Love, ZaZa
-- Suzanne
- on April 25, 2018
Great job Maggie
-- Pop
- on April 25, 2018
Maggie, I love it. I love your imagination and use of colors. Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on March 7, 2018
Sorry Maggie, Just saw this lovely heart. So cheerful and perfect for Valentines Day. Love you, Grandma
- on March 7, 2018
I really like all of the coloring you did to highlight the cute penguin. He looks like he is standing on a round carpet for comfort. Love you. Grandma
- on March 7, 2018
Beautiful.!! Looks like a winter postcard. Maybe we will have a White Christmas this year.
-- Pop
- on December 8, 2017
This one looks like a handful of gummy candies all squished together in a ball and put on a stick. Then your fingers would not get sticky while you eat it.
-- Grandma
- on November 8, 2017
I wish all of our trees would look as lovely and colorful as yours in your picture when they change colors in the fall. It would be great to have a special forest all year long that you could roam through to enjoy their beauty.
-- Grandma
- on November 8, 2017
Your picture reminds me of several things. One is a cotton plant surrounded by blue skies. Another is cotton candy on a stick. Yummy. Last one is a cloud garden with little white clouds on sticks also surrounded by blue skies. I would love to pick all of these if your garden were real. Great job challenging our imaginations.
-- Grandma
- on November 8, 2017
Pretty tulips. I wish I could pick them and put them in a vase on the dining room table. I like the varius colors.
-- Grandma Max
- on October 11, 2017
Great pumpkin for Fall. It almost looks like a lamp with a bulb lighting it up from inside.
-- Grandma Max
- on October 11, 2017
Really like the cute cat. He kind of looks like a "scaredy cat" in cartoons with the way his fur is standing on end.
-- Grandma Max
- on October 11, 2017
Nice kitty. Reminds me of Harry Potter.
-- Pop
- on September 22, 2017
Hi Maggie, Very colorful butterfly!!! Great job!
-- Pop
- on June 7, 2017
Maggie, I hope to see a butterfly half as pretty as yours is in my yard this summer. Yours makes me feel happy and hopeful for a great summer. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on June 7, 2017
Maggie This one reminds me of a really pretty stained glass window. ZaZa took a class in making stain glass pieces and I think this would be a pretty one for her to make. Love you. Grandma
- on June 7, 2017
Maggie, this work has beautiful color combinations. I especially like the symmetry. Although abstract art is most difficult for me to appreciate I do love it.
-- Pop
- on May 13, 2017
Must be the "Three Mouseketeers"
-- Pop
- on May 2, 2017
Maggie I don't think I've ever seen such colorful mice. I like the way the legs are all different colors and their bodies are all different colors. If I ever see one at my house I hope it looks like the ones you painted. We love your work.
-- Grandma
- on May 2, 2017
I like that the ladybugs are all different, especially the top bug with the artistic design on the wings. The grass reminds me that we will eventually get to Spring. We have had unusually warm weather here in IL and think it would be neat to see your ladybugs here real soon. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on April 12, 2017
Maggie, I do like to see a ladybug, like the ones you caught in the yard and then they flew away...
-- Pop
- on April 12, 2017
Of all the bugs around us I hope yours is the one I run into. It is happy and friendly looking. I like the colors in its body. I would not be afraid to pick it up and let it crawl on my arm. Keep up the great work. Love ya. Grandma
- on February 26, 2017
These flowers are absolutely BEEutiful. It makes me wish it was Spring right now so that we could have real flowers coming up but since it is still Winter these are the next best thing. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on January 25, 2017
Love the colors and especially the bee
-- Pop
- on January 25, 2017
What I like about this picture are several points. One is all of the hearts within a heart. It shows your love is so big you need more hearts in your heart to hold it all. Two is the fact that you have so much color. You do not stick to just red as the major color. I like that some hearts have multiple colors within one heart. It shows you are bright and very cheery. Your picture is like a photograph of my heart showing all the love I have for you.
-- Grandma
- on January 17, 2017
This is what most of the trees here in Northern Illinois look like. They have lost their leaves until new ones burst out next Spring. We can see so much more beautiful sky now just like the sky you have in your picture with all the pretty colors. Great Job my little munchkin... Love, GMA
-- Grandma
- on December 14, 2016
Grandpa said "oh my, that is really good". I like the different colored buttons and the smiling faces of all because it is snowing on them. You would be smiling too if it was snowing on your face the first time this season. Love ya...
-- Grandma Max
- on December 1, 2016
I really like this tree forest. It does make you feel like you want to take a walk in the snow looking for a cool real Christmas tree. They are all so pretty that I do not know which one to pick.
-- Grandma
- on November 28, 2016
Hi Maggie! I really like this picture. It would make a great Christmas Card! It reminds me of the crisp, clear days of winter and the very moment that the snow starts to fall. Thank you for sharing this picture with me. You are a very good artist. Love you!
-- ZaZa
- on November 21, 2016
Nice job my little pumpkin. Orange you glad you have a terrific teacher!
-- Grandma
- on November 21, 2016
I love this picture. The green trees with the snow falling makes me think of Christmas. I hope we get a little snow this year. Love, Mama.
- on November 19, 2016
Hoo hoo is making all of this cute artwork to send to Grandma? It must be Maggie. Great job you little hoot. Love.
-- Grandma
- on November 17, 2016
What a nice owl. He looks happy.
-- Pop
- on November 17, 2016
This is one of my favorites so far. I am drawn by the colors which I really like. The tall flowers really stand out. Great job
-- Grandma Max
- on November 14, 2016
Hi Maggie! I am sitting here at work eating my hamburger and saw the notice for a new piece of artwork. Wow! I like it. Can't wait to see you make it at home. It's very pretty. See you soon! Daddy
-- Parent
- on November 14, 2016
It looks like this tree is just starting to change colors. It is like you captured the very moment that fall touched this exact tree. Very nice work, Maggie!
-- Aunt Suzanne
- on November 4, 2016
Oh! This is scary. And cool. :-)
-- Aunt Suzanne
- on November 4, 2016
My goodness this picture is "boo"tiful ;) love your picture!
-- Gena
- on October 26, 2016
I like your art today. It is perfect for Halloween. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on October 25, 2016
I like this piece because it comes across musically. You have colors as 3 2 1 3 2 1. If you sing the scale going up on each color you have a tune to sing to yourself. Do do do re re mi do do do re re mi. Go up a tone as you change each color. Tap your strips like you are playing the piano. Now you can walk around singing your tune. I am... If you mix up your strips you will have a different tune. I can show you next time I come down. Love.
-- Grandma
- on October 21, 2016
I love your self portrait. Lots of colors, bright and cheery. It also shows what a happy, happy girl you are. Keep up the good work. Love.
-- Grandma
- on October 21, 2016
Hi Maggie! What a beautiful self portrait! I really love the colors you chose. I think the portrait represents you very are bright, vibrant, and happy! I can see you worked carefully drawing the image and you paid close attention to where you placed the colors. Your hard work really paid off in a lovely portrait! Great work, Maggie! I love you to the moon and back! Aunt Suzanne
- on October 20, 2016