Giacomo62's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Giacomo62's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So cool, Jake!
- Mom on January 9, 2024
Very cool, Jake. Nice work!
- Vicki (Mother) on September 20, 2023
This makes me happy just to look at it. It's funny that the dog is named Jake. I really like the colors you used. Keep it up!
-- Mom (Vicki)
- on January 10, 2018
I know you like getting to work with clay, so this much have been fun and your painting and detail work is great. Good job!
-- Mom (Vicki)
- on January 10, 2018
This one makes me think of Vermont and summers by the lake. Great work Jake!
-- Mom (Vicki)
- on January 10, 2018
Jake, what a wonderful self portrait. I love the expressive look in your eyes and features you have on your face. Great work - keep it up!
-- Mom (Vicki)
- on January 10, 2018
Great job, Jake! Your lion looks amazing. Love, Mom
-- Vicki
- on March 14, 2017