Jocie, this is beautiful! I love seeing all your creativity in your art work! Keep up the great work! Love, Mom
- Jana (Mother) on February 18, 2020
Jocie, this is so cute. I love seeing your newest art projects. Mom and Dad love you too! -- Jana
- on March 27, 2018
Jocie -- this is REALLY cool. Great job sweetie! I love looking at all of your art work! Keep up the great work. I love you sweetie! Love, Mom -- Jana
- on March 6, 2017
Jocie, your fish is just adorable. You are doing a nice job in art class. I've enjoyed seeing all of your projects that you are making. Keep up the great work sweetie! Love, Mom -- Jana
- on December 13, 2016
Jocie, I love this watercolor artwork! I see many stars and hearts throughout. Nice job sweetie! Keep up the great work! - Mom -- Mom
- on December 23, 2016
very nice! -- Jana
- on November 11, 2016
Nice job Jocie, this is beautiful! Mom is very proud of you! Keep up the good work! -- Jana