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Samantha1251's Comments
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Below are comments about Samantha1251's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your art work and it is great that you work so hard on it did this take you a long time to do?
- on December 24, 2007
Wonderful use of color!
- on October 12, 2007
This is still one of my favorite pieces of art!
- on October 12, 2007
Yet another masterpiece!
- on October 12, 2007
Great job! You are very talented, Samantha. From Uncle Ray and Aunt Barb
- on June 6, 2007
i love that! You are such a wonderful artist. Keep these coming. I really enjoy them. wish i could do that ...
- on January 25, 2007
Dear samantha you are like a artist, Keep Up The Good Work. From:cynthia
- on October 17, 2006
Dear samantha I really like your artwork From:cynthia
- on October 17, 2006
On Display at the Bloomingdale Park District Museum the week of March 26th, 2006. Great Job!
- on April 12, 2006
WOW! You have some great stuff there! Love all the colors.
-- from Aunt Marilyn
- on January 19, 2006