So beautiful!!! Great job, sweetheart! -- Elizabeth
- on May 22, 2018
I love the complexity and total creativity expressed in this fish. Well done, fabulous to look at. -- Papa
- on May 11, 2018
This is one of my favorite. Tumultuous thinking? It looks very intriguing yet very beautiful. And I have the original in my possession. I am so proud of it. Great painting my Princess -- Papa
- on May 11, 2018
Again Charlotte, wonderful creativity. I love your design, choice of colors. You need to pursue painting...such a great way of expressing your feelings. Wonderful job, my Princess. -- Papa
- on May 11, 2018
This is really cool Charlotte, is it your house? Nice work sis. -- Xavier
- on March 21, 2018
Charlotte, What an incredible piece of artwork!! You are truly artistic! -- Mom
- on March 14, 2018
This truly is a masterpiece. So close to a Van Gogh...see "la chambre a coucher" This is truly an amazing painting. Charlotte, I would buy this. So beautiful... -- Francois