shaked6's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about shaked6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow Shaked, this one is really artistic! This road is so inviting, the scenery is full of nature and energy, perfect for a refreshing and magical road trip :) We miss you!!! xoxox
-- Daphna & Mikey
- on June 7, 2017
820 west end ave.
-- irit
- on November 30, 2016
Hi Shakedi, This is so modern and special. When looking into it, I feel like I'm drifting into an imaginary world of wonders... Love your signature at the bottom, it looks so mature! Miss you!
-- Daphna
- on November 30, 2016
Wow Shakedi I'm so impressed with your art work. All the girls thought it was very cool!!! Keep drawing we love seeing your art work!
-- Rachi , Tamar, Sara, Rivka
- on November 4, 2016
Love this innocent and lovable looking piggy! ?? So glad you're continuing to do art Shakedi! Miss you and think about you alot! Thanks for adding me
-- Daphna
- on November 4, 2016
Dear Shaked! I'm so happy to be in your fan club - but I always have been :) Uncle and I loved looking at your painting- it is beautiful and we think you showed the artist Mondrian's style perfectly. We are in Israel visiting Giselle right now and missing you. So, this email with your artwork made us all very happy! Love you lots- Say hi to Shoham! Xxoo Auntie
-- Auntie Tamara
- on November 4, 2016