Tom1446's Comments (121)

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Below are comments about Tom1446's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh my gosh Tom this is a beautiful piece of art. The colors and exactness are amazing. I know you had commented you had trouble with having the feathers flow a certain way. I just don’t see it I love all your work. - Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on February 26, 2025
This was a beautiful job on this parrot with nice shading on its feathers and belly. Wonderful drawing. Keep up the nice work.
- John on February 12, 2025
Nice job on this artwork, Tom. I think the bird came out very nice, especially how the red color pops from the background of green and blue. Keep up the excellent work.
- John on February 12, 2025
Oh my gosh Tom this piece of artwork is mesmerizing. The eyes are so well done and the shadowing really adds to the facial structure. I know you felt you hadn’t done his hair justice but I thought the hair looked amazing keep up the great work. Miss y’all! Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on January 29, 2025
Tom, this is excellent work. I am not sure what the medium is but the drawing is quite good. You have done very good work.
- Poppa John on January 20, 2025
Good job, Tom. The colors are bright and cheery with interesting grids and patterns. Keep it up. Poppa
- John on October 9, 2024
Grandma Jean with a halo!!! How nice it is. Very imaginative. Plus, I liked the black and white mixed in with a color background and colors of the angel blended. Excellent.
- Poppa John on May 29, 2024
A nice piece layering the colorful fish, as they would appear in the water. I don't know how you did it, but really like the different colors of your water.. Great job!
- Poppa John on May 29, 2024
Nice job, Tom. The "smiley" face added a depth and a whimsy to a colorful and industrial background.
- Poppa John on May 29, 2024
Tom what an amazing form of art to honor the contributions of your amazing grandmother. She will be so pleased as well????. Love, Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on May 22, 2024
Tom I am always impressed with your art work and amazed at what you are learning. I’m sure this video technique will come in very handy. Keep up all the good work. Love, Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on May 22, 2024
My favorite bird is the red cardinal. I love this. The intricacy of the lines and designs but the face is my favorite. I can’t believe how amazing you are at your age. I love this
- Lindy on April 17, 2024
This was a really fun piece of art for me. I really studied all the detail. I did find the skydiver the wolf and the 2 big cats. The detail is really beautiful. Your tree and color choices amazed me most. I hope you continue art in the next years. You are so talented Love aunt lindy 294 / 2000
- Lindy on April 3, 2024
Tom this is a very cute and imaginative work of yours. Gangsta Cat I know would have been a favorite of your grandmother Carolyn. She loved cats. Love Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on March 27, 2024
Tom, did Izzy pose for this artwork? I loved the way you framed your work with squiggles that match you framed piece. Nice job. Poppa John
- John on March 27, 2024
Tom I agree with you - the blue in the sky is so beautiful. I understand you used “masking” here. You are so ahead of anything I ever learned in art. Love aunt lindy
- Lindy on March 6, 2024
Tom this piece of art is very intriguing. The color selections I love and the shadowing of the letters was so exact. How much detail you have put in this piece as well as your past art work makes your pieces so enjoyable to look at keep up the great work. We are so proud of you. Love aunt lindy
- Lindy on March 6, 2024
Very good job on this, Tom. I love the bright colors, shadowing technique and out-of-focus style on the flowers. Keep it up! Popa John
- John on February 28, 2024
This is cool
- Lesley(fan) on February 28, 2024
Tom congratulations on an amazing job recreating a Van Gogh. I have seen his art in museums. You definitely did him justice. Keep up the great work. Love and miss y’all. Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on January 24, 2024
Tom, this is a beautiful painting. I am so proud of you. Your artwork has really matured. What a wonderful waterfall scene. Papa John
- John on January 17, 2024
Nice work. I have to assume you are a cubs fan. I’m in Texas right now cheering on the Astros. Maybe we will play each other in the playoffs. Miss you honey hope your school year is going ok
- Lindy on October 25, 2023
Nice work, Tom. I am glad you added your description. By the picture, I couldn't tell the medium you used. Glad to see it was clay. At first, I thought you were doing a tribute to your mother's Husky team!!!! Nice that you are reaching out and doing different styles. Very good job! Papa John
- John on October 18, 2023
Tom I have to say this was a very impressive art piece. I cannot believe intricate this is I also love the colors you chose. I look forward to seeing what else is coming this year enjoy your 7th grade year. Love and miss you. Aunt Lindy
- Lindy on October 4, 2023
Loved this soccer artwork. A nice three dimensional job on the soccer ball. I think this art is best described as a "SCOOOORE!" Papa John
- John on June 7, 2023
Oh my gosh Tom I had to look twice to make sure what I was looking. You are so creative. You are the cutest alien I know!
- Lindy on May 31, 2023
What a handsome young man. I enjoy your green hair and desert background and I am sure you had fun with this creative work. Poppa John
- John on May 31, 2023
This is so perfect it looks like a photograph. It also makes me hungry??
- Lindy on May 17, 2023
Oh my gosh Tom I am so impressed by your most recent art piece. The colors are so beautiful and I appreciated your comments about patina. I learned a lot from your comments. Keep up the good work love you??
- Lindy on May 17, 2023
Hi Tom I love your recent artwork. You have developed into a very creative person. Great job! ??
- Anne on May 17, 2023
Beautiful piece, Tom. I really enjoyed the finished product and a very nice description of the process you went through to achieve it. Keep it up.
- John on May 17, 2023
Beautiful work, Tom. Not only well thought out design with intricate follow through but a good explanation of what your were achieving. Well done. Papa John
- John on May 3, 2023
You know I never get tired of seeing your face.....even in a painting! Great job on your latest art piece. I love the way you had angled stripes behind you. It made your face pop!
- John on June 22, 2022
Ok Tom. That pie looks so real it made me hungry. I love your creativity keep up your art work
- Lindy on April 20, 2022
Tom the smile on your snowman’s face makes me smile. This is such a feel good piece of art. Thank you for such an endearing picture. Love aunt lindy
- Lindy on February 16, 2022
What a great job, Tom. Your snowperson looks really good and I can see a lot of improvement in your work. I am so proud!
- Papa John on February 2, 2022
What a great job, Tom. Your snowperson looks really good and I can see a lot of improvement in your work. I am so proud!
- Papa John on February 2, 2022
Tom this piece of artwork is amazing. Your ability to make this piece appear 3-D to me is so brilliant. Keep up the excellent work
- Lindy on February 2, 2022
Tom I am a big fan of abstract art. Your piece really impressed me. I loved the color choices. I am always entertained by your selections. Keep the great work up ??????
- Lindy on December 22, 2021
Tom I love your abstract art work. Your color selection really makes your art pop. Keep up the excellent work????
- Lindy on December 1, 2021
Tom what a fun piece of artwork. I’m guessing you were either hungry or just in a very great imaginative mode. Your uncle Jim loves a burger like this - everything but the kitchen sink. Keep up the creative work. Love aunt lindy
- Lindy on November 3, 2021
Looks mighty good, Tom. Now I'm hungry, Keep up the good work
- John on October 27, 2021
Wow tom that is quite the breakfast sandwich. I love your imagination when adding all the ingredients looks delish. Love aunt lindy Keep up the good work ??
- Lindy on October 27, 2021
Tom I continue to be impressed with your very beautiful and imaginative art work. I love the snow flakes
- Lindy on February 12, 2020
Excellent job, Tom. I love the color. I hope you get more snow. Poppa
- John on February 12, 2020
Excellent job, Tom. I love the color. I hope you get more snow. Poppa
- John on February 12, 2020
en the background is spectacular. Great job . Tommy
- Carolyn on February 12, 2020
Even the background is spectacular. Great job Tommy
- Carolyn on February 12, 2020
Tom I love your latest art project. What an amazing skyline of Chicago. Go bears!
- Lindy on December 24, 2019
You are a regular Banksy!!
- Carolyn on December 24, 2019
This made me laugh out loud
- Carolyn on December 24, 2019
What a lovely art skyline of Chicago. One of your best. Love Poppa
- John on December 24, 2019
What a lovely art skyline of Chicago. One of your best. Love Poppa
- John on December 24, 2019
Wow Tom. Your flower artwork is beautiful. I love the colors you chose. Good work
- Lindy on November 6, 2019
Tommy I love Georgia Okeffe. She took a lot of her inspiration from the area I am staying in now, Arizona . This might be your best pic yet. Love it And you
- Carolyn on November 6, 2019
Tommy I love Georgia Okeffe. She took a lot of her inspiration from the area I am staying in now, Arizona . This might be your best pic yet. Love it And you
- Carolyn on November 6, 2019
Tommy I love Georgia Okeffe. She took a lot of her inspiration from the area I am staying in now, Arizona . This might be your best pic yet. Love it And you
- Carolyn on November 6, 2019
Tommy I love Georgia Okeffe. She took a lot of her inspiration from the area I am staying in now, Arizona . This might be your best pic yet. Love it
- Carolyn on November 6, 2019
Tommy I love Georgia Okeffe. She took a lot of her inspiration from the area I am staying in now, Arizona . This might be your best pic yet. Love it A nd you
- Carolyn on November 6, 2019
Excellent work. Good color selection and a great job. Poppa
- John on November 6, 2019
Wow Tom I love this painting. It is so fun to watch how well you express yourself through art. Keep it up
- Lindy on October 16, 2019
Tom, I love this painting. Good job. Poppa
- John on October 2, 2019
Hi Tom Love your artwork. Th blue and green colors are great. Hugs to you, Aunt Anne
- Anne on October 2, 2019
Tommy this is my favorite picture so far. Aren't you glad you got to see Jamaica so you could draw this. Jamacan me a proud gramma
- Carolyn on October 2, 2019
Tommy this is my favorite picture so far. Aren't you glad you got to see Jamaica so you could draw this. Jamacan me a proud gramma
- Carolyn on October 2, 2019
Wow Tom. Great piece of artwork. I love the vessels you chose and great blending of colors for the water. Keep up the good work. I sure enjoy seeing your art
-- Lindy
- on May 8, 2019
Tom, What a lovely new picture. I love the different ships, the waves and the great colors. Good job. Poppa
-- John
- on May 8, 2019
Tommy I loved your newest artwork on action figures. It looks like you really enjoyed creating your action figure. You showed so much imagination. I’m so glad I get to view your art creations. Keep up the great work. Love aunt lindy
-- Lindy
- on March 27, 2019
Very good job, Tom. I am so proud of you. Nice action picture. Poppa
-- John
- on March 20, 2019
Oh Tom another great picture for Gramma to brag about Can't wait to see you guys in Chicago. Keep up the great work you just get better and better!
-- Carolyn
- on March 20, 2019
Nice job, Tom! Love this one.
-- Michelle
- on January 21, 2019
Tom, very good job on the apples. Even an apple core. Very tasty. Love Pappa
-- John
- on January 21, 2019
Tommy great artwork. I loved the 3 stages of apple eating. I bet you had fun with this one. The reds you used were perfect and the shadowing was very professional looking. Keep up the great work. I love having access to your art.
-- Lindy
- on January 21, 2019
Tommy this might be my favorite work of yours. So proud of you!
-- Carolyn
- on January 21, 2019
Great painting of pumpkins. Do you know what you call a fat pumpkin? A plumpkin. Love you. Poppa
-- John
- on November 14, 2018
Tom your artwork brought such a smile to my face. You’ve captured my favorite season fall with your selection of a beautiful pumpkin patch. Nice going
-- Lindy
- on November 7, 2018
Hey Tom it looked just like Vince VanGough sent me a Halloween picture! What a surprise to find out you drew it. It gave me a scary feeling to look at it. (in a good way) I love you so much
-- Carolyn
- on November 7, 2018
Tom I just can’t believe how much detail you put into your drawing. So appropriate for the Halloween season. Keep up the extraordinary work!!
-- Lindy
- on October 17, 2018
Way to go, Tom. Brilliant.
-- John
- on October 17, 2018
This is a fabulous picture of a wild thing! Make me one of my own plplease. I'll put it up in Arizona
-- Carolyn
- on October 17, 2018
Hi Tom. I love monet but I do believe I like your monet painting even more. :)
-- Lindy
- on June 6, 2018
Good job on this painting. I love the colors you chose. Keep it up.
-- Papa
- on June 6, 2018
I love Monet's paintings. Your picture reminds me of seeing his garden pictures at the national gallery. It was hard not to touch them! Of course they had a guard watching every second so I couldn't! :)
-- Carolyn
- on June 6, 2018
This is one of your best! I can't wait for your next work!
-- Grandma Carolyn
- on April 11, 2018
Tom you continue to amaze me with your great imagination that you apply to your art. The color combinations you chose for this piece of artwork are just beautiful. Keep up the incredible work!

Love, Aunt Lindy
- on March 28, 2018
Tom, good work on this piece. I love it.
-- Grandpa John
- on March 28, 2018
Hi Tom. I love your bear artwork. I travel to alaska allot and have seen bears that look like the one you drew and painted. You are so talented. We sure loved seeing you recently. Miss and love you.
-- Lindy
- on February 7, 2018
Nice black bear, Tom. Great work.
-- John
- on February 1, 2018
Tommy, This is outstanding. .I love the elephant and the background you used. Love you great job!
-- Carolyn
- on February 1, 2018
What great use of color and repetition
-- Carolyn
- on February 1, 2018
This collage is SO good
-- Carolyn
- on February 1, 2018
Tommy, this is outstanding. I LOVE all oif the expressions you put on the snomen's faces (especially the one backed in red) Love, Gramma
-- Carolyn
- on February 1, 2018
Love ths Tommt my favorite so far!
-- Carolyn
- on November 30, 2017
Tom - we enjoy your art work so much. We both really love the new tree collage. Love Aunt Lindy and uncle jim
-- Lindy
- on November 22, 2017
You are doing a great job with your painting. Keep it up.
-- John
- on November 8, 2017
Tom another great piece of art work. Keep up the good work. You are so talented
-- Lindy
- on November 1, 2017
This picture is fabulous Tom
-- Grandma Carolyn
- on November 1, 2017
Tom I love your artwork. Please keep your new creations coming. Thank you so much
-- Lindy
- on October 18, 2017
Tommy, very creative. Keep it up
-- Carolyn
- on October 18, 2017
Love this and you
-- Carolyn
- on October 18, 2017
Love it Tom, keep it up
-- Carolyn
- on October 18, 2017
Love this and you Tommy
-- Carolyn
- on October 18, 2017
Keep it up tom, love you!
-- Carolyn
- on October 18, 2017
Tommy I love your art work. keep up the great job you are doing!
-- Lindy
- on October 18, 2017
Great job, Tom. We are so proud of you. Poppa
-- Poppa
- on October 18, 2017
Great job, Tom!
-- Michelle
- on October 9, 2017
Good job, Tom. I love it!
-- Poppa
- on May 31, 2017
Tom: Your artwork makes me smile. Great job.
-- Aunt Anne
- on May 19, 2017
Tom I love your newest artwork. Keep up the good work. We are all so proud of you here in Portland.
-- Lindy
- on April 26, 2017
Nice job, Tom. I love this picture.
-- John
- on April 26, 2017
Tommy, this heart is so good it reminds me of how much I love you!
-- Gramma
- on April 26, 2017
Tom: I enjoy your creative artwork. I love the Penguins on floating ice. Your artwork is super!
-- Anne
- on March 9, 2017
Wow Tommy. Your artwork is amazing. I really love your newest artwork "kindergarten penguins." Keep up the great work. You are so talented.
-- Lindy
- on February 22, 2017
Tim I am so excited that your grandma entered me to enjoy your website of art. I love it. You are an excellent artist
-- Lindy
- on February 1, 2017
I enjoy your artwork, Tom. You are a very talented artist. Great job!
-- Anne
- on January 18, 2017
Nice drawing, Tom. Keep up the good work.
-- Papa
- on January 4, 2017
Tommy, you're the man! Keep up the good work. Pretty soon you will be as good as Michaelangelo.
-- Carolyn
- on January 4, 2017
I am so proud of you, Tom. Keep up the good work.
-- Papa
- on November 23, 2016
Another great picture.
-- Dad
- on November 15, 2016
Fabulous Tommy
-- Gramma
- on November 15, 2016
Can't wait to show off your art work.
-- Gramma
- on November 15, 2016