Cullen1473's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Cullen1473's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Cullen1473, I am a Sophomore at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Dylan25470 if you want to look me up and see my art! I wanted to say that I love how you chose to use subdued greens and blues to create a pond atmosphere for your necklace, which aren't too vibrant and perfectly encapsulate what colors you would expect out of a pond. I also appreciate how the frog pendant is relatively small, which gives it a linear profile with the rest of the necklace and makes it look expertly crafted. Keep up the good work! I'd love to see more work like this from you!
- Dylan on May 23, 2024
Hello cullen1473 I am Lakota at Platteville high school. My artsonia id is lakota170 if you want to look me up and see my art. I wanted to say that I really love the colors you implemented into this bowl. I liked how you mixed the green in with the peach which looks pretty cool. Your piece also has good Unity In it. I love the way you made the green noticeable and calm and it still sticks out keep up the good work! You obviously have some talent.
- Lakota on May 23, 2024
Hello_Cullen1473 I am a sophomore__ at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is brooklyn13239__ if you want to look me up and see my art! I love the color and contrast in this piece I think that the colors blend together nicely and there is a beautiful contrast between the colors and the black souter that really helps those colors pop
- brooks on May 23, 2024
Hello_ Cullen1473__I am a student _at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is brooklyn13239_ if you want to look me up and see my art! First of all I love this in all its glory the way it is shaped like a foot and shoe at the same time is genius and the flesh like color is so creepy and cool I love it
- brooks on December 27, 2023
Hello Cullen I am a senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Hailie511 if you want to look me up and see my art! I love the form you chose for this piece. Having a foot with feet is a great concept. I also love the movement of this piece. It looks like it could charge for me at any moment! It looks very alive, maybe too alive!
- Hailie on December 27, 2023
Hello Cullen I am a senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Hailie511 if you want to look me up and see my art! I love the form you chose for this piece. Having a foot with feet is a great concept. I also love the movement of this piece. It looks like it could charge for me at any moment! It looks very alive, maybe too alive!
- Hailie on December 27, 2023
Hello Cullen1473, I am a senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Cecilia1686 if you want to look me up and see my art! Your use of clean, wavy lines really draws the viewer's attention to the house in the middle. You have a really interesting composition with the house taking up very little of the space but still being instantly recognizable as the main subject. Great work on this one!
- Cecilia1686 on December 27, 2023
Hello, cullen1437. I am a senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Michael50696 if you want to look me up and see my art! I like this person you've created. The way the body perfectly sits in this vehicle just gives a sense of life to it. I love the organic shape of Stevenson that brings him alive and there is a good sense of unity between the regular clothing with their clear plastic skin.
- Michael on December 27, 2023
Hello Cullen1473 I am a junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is aspen803 if you want to look me up and see my art! I wanted to say that the way you made 3-D art was very cool. The shape of the body is very symmetrical on both sides. Which is amazing that you could master that. I love the balance of tape and clothes ratio that you put into Stevenson. You are extremely talented, keep it up.
- Aspen803 on December 27, 2023
Hello, Cullen1473! I am a Junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Cecilia1686 if you want to look me up and see my art! I love how you took the shape of a cube and formed it into a creature with human-like features. This piece stands out because it takes the human face which is widely recognizable and distorts it into a functional box. Your use of extra materials (eyelashes, piercings, etc.) really adds a lot of interest. You clearly have a lot of creativity, keep it up!
- Cecilia on September 15, 2023
Hello, Cullen1473 I am a freshman at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Reese3818 if you want to look me up and see my art! I love how unique your piece is, I have never seen something like this before! The more I look at it the more I realize the details. The ear piercing, gold tooth, and, eyelashes just pull it all together. I really enjoy seeing art that's bold and different from most. I hope you use this creativity in all your work!
- Reese on September 15, 2023
Hello Cullen1473! I'm a junior at Platteville high school and my Artsonia ID is Hailie511. I love the grayed background of this drawing. It really brings out the contrast between the toad and the hand. This clearly shows that the focal point of this drawing is the toad. I also love that you included the chipped nail polish on the hand. It gives character to the background.
- Hailie(fan) on April 19, 2023
Howdy, Cullen!! I am Becca. I am a Junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Rebeca8735. I love the cohesiveness of this set, as well as the ability of each of these to be stand-alone pieces. The neutral colors would go with any outfit, and the stone's different textures and patterns are very visually appealing. Awesome work! These pieces are both complex and simple, and I can tell some hard work went into them! AMJ is really tough. Great work!
- Becca on November 29, 2022
Hello Cullen1473! I am a senior at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Finley2399. This apple is very good and detailed. The colors are great together and you blended it very well. It looks quite real. This apple looks sweet. The background color also makes this apple pop nicely.
- fin on November 29, 2022
Hello_Cullen1473 __I am a_senior_____at Lancaster High School in Lancaster, WI. My Artsonia ID is __William39208___. I like how the kid is coming out of the water to look at the frog. It is very pleasing. I also like how the water looks really smooth. The frog, and the ripples in the water are very pretty, cute. Keep up the good work!
- William on November 29, 2022
Hello clara2247 I am a freshman at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Natasha2239. i love my hero academia its one of my favorite anime. i love how your is emotional becasue it brings me back to a episode. dont remember what episode is it. plus i love it looks real it looks so cool. hope you have a good day:)
- Natasha on November 29, 2022