Amelia5659's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Amelia5659's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Seeing your artwork again is a delight! Love you!
- Grammie(fan) on December 11, 2024
This! Up and running!
- Grammie on December 11, 2024
This artwork reminds me that I have some juicy plums among the apples in my fruit basket! A change in the orientation of the object at hand might lend more favorable shading options for the work.
- Betty on January 10, 2023
45 seconds? Amazing! The placement, balance, and focus you have expressed help make this sketch a complete work of art.
- Grammie on January 10, 2023
Your “Better Boop” is amazing. With the merging of so many elements of style, personalities, and the use of shading, the character exudes an identity of one who has the strength to face life’s challenges. A winner!
- Gram on January 10, 2023
I like it. Nice creativity.
- Tom on January 1, 2021
It is a delight to see a new addition to your art collection! In this work I see your human representatives and their activities as giving purpose to the architecture, the focus of the assignment.
- Grammie on January 1, 2021
This one is on my favorite t-shirt!
- Grandpa Bill on January 1, 2021
Wow--I love it! Super work with fascinating comments on the inspiration. Keep up the great work!
- Grandpa Bill on January 1, 2021
Hello Amelia, I am a junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Anna17487. The quality of the drawing is very nice! I love your usage of colors, they complement each other very well. The overall piece is very cool, and I love how you get to decide whether she fell or was pushed. Can’t wait to see more of your artwork in the future!
- Anna on June 25, 2020
Hello, Amelia! I am a sophomore at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Cassidy4197. I love the vibrant ears on this little guy! The 3-D horn is a nice touch, giving the sunstone extra dimension. Ceramics can be difficult to work with, but you pulled this off quite nicely! The muted background really helps your colors pop, too! I hope to see more of your art soon!
- Cassidy on June 25, 2020
Hello, Amelia! I am a sophomore at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Cassidy4197. The bright colors of this piece really drew in my eye! I love how dynamic it is! You really captured these Steven Universe characters well. Keep up the wonderful work!
- Cassidy on June 25, 2020
The expressive eyes of your subjects are amazing! Looking forward to seeing more of your artwork!
- Grammie on June 25, 2020
Love the color and style.
- Ellen on June 25, 2020
- Bill on June 25, 2020
Your use of color and balance is amazing. The letters of your name blend well. This work of art gives me an impression of happiness.
- Grammie on June 25, 2020
Now, that name looks familiar! It is great to see your artwork up and running again! Love you!
- Grammie on June 25, 2020
Hello, Amelia! I am a freshman at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Cassidy4197. Your artwork caught my eye because of the unique perspective of the piece. Your subject's distorted form suits it quite nicely, and gives a good idea of the meaning you're trying to portray. Her expression is very well-done, showing just the right amount of emotion. The corrugated soles of her shoes is impressive, as this is a detail many would simply overlook. You have a lot of talent, and I hope you continue making wonderful art!
-- Cassidy
- on June 3, 2019
I bet she tripped on the loose shoe laces!
-- Grandpa Bill
- on June 3, 2019
Loving it! This picture is worth more than the usual “thousand words” of the famous quote!
-- Grammie
- on June 3, 2019
What a great way to portray your family through your art! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing!
-- Grammie
- on June 3, 2019
This one is my favorite so far. Colors, shapes, happy/sad--it really stretches the imagination!
-- Bill
- on April 27, 2019
Great symmetry. Cats, music, moons, very thoughtful!
-- Bill
- on April 27, 2019
I’m using this impressive guy as my screensaver! Loving your work & you!
-- Grammie
- on January 1, 2018
The moonlight is spectacular!
-- Mom
- on November 26, 2017
Keep up the beautiful work!
-- Grammie
- on November 26, 2017
This nutcracker is a true Christmas icon--in all his finery. I love him!!
-- Ellen
- on November 26, 2017
Way cool! Looks like a happy Jack-o-lantern ready for trick or treat!
-- Bill
- on November 6, 2017
Super job again! Your interpretation is right on!
-- Betty
- on November 6, 2017
Love your hand. The colors are stunning and bring the subject to life.
-- Ellen
- on October 14, 2017
Absolutely stunning depiction of a haunted house. Makes a great Halloween card, beautiful work.
-- Ellen
- on October 14, 2017
At the top of the mountain, love it. Gma
-- ellen
- on October 14, 2017
Wow--what beautiful art!! This one reminds me of your Daddy! Love, Grandpa Bill
-- Bill
- on October 14, 2017
I can almost feel the fresh breeze! Beautiful!
-- Grammie
- on October 14, 2017