Tayler774's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Tayler774's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Tayler774, I am a junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Alyissa37, if you want to look me up and see my art! In this piece, you strategically placed light and dark areas in your piece to give it a sense of balance. You also can see the values working together to establish a cohesive rhythm.
- Alyissa37 on June 5, 2024
Hello Tayler774 I am a sophomore at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Garrett 7243 if you want to look me up and see my art! I am really enjoying the texture of our mugs. I like how they are so smooth and clean. The form of this piece also caught my eye. I like how it is so cylindrical and it's easy to tell what animals are on it.
- Garrett on June 5, 2024
Hello Tayler774 I am a freshman at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Harmony1562 if you want to look me up and see my art! Hi Tayer your art work stuck out to me I can tell you took a lot of time and hard work you had put in your Art . I love how all your colors are just made for your art and your forms of all your glass pieces are in a good form and spot and good spacing throughout your at project
- Harmony Hamilton on December 13, 2023
Hello Tayler774 I am a Freshman at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Dylan25470 if you want to look me up and see my art! This piece you have created is exceptionally high quality and has very authentic and natural looking coloring. The particles surrounding the main centerpiece also give the entire piece some dynamic properties, and really ties everything together. Please keep up the good work; your art is astounding, especially for your grade level!
- Dylan on June 7, 2023
Hello Tayler774 I am a freshman at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Miles3179 if you want to look me up and see my art! This art piece looks amazing, and the fact that you recreated Komasan so accurately baffles me! The bright colors on his body makes him look so alive and vibrant. The solid colors make it look like you used ink to make this piece.
- Miles on June 7, 2023
Hello, Tayler774. I am a Junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Mikiah42 if you want to look me up and see my art! Your artwork caught my eye because it is bold and colorful. I like the shading and the unique concept of the artwork, and the eyes and the mouth are very expressive. It looks very alive.
- Kai on June 7, 2023
Hello Tayler774 I am a Junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Keagan750 if you want to look me up and see my art! This piece has so many cool and different aspects to it. The colors match the character perfectly and give the piece a good pop. Not to mention the embroidery is probably the coolest part of the art. Keep up the good work and have fun in highschool.
- Keagan on June 7, 2023
Hello Tayler774 I am a Senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Michele412. The landscape in the background of this piece is very cool! I love that you used different kinds of media for this, so you’re able to explore more options for your artwork. The detail that you put into the tree is very well done, as well! It really makes this piece come to life! Awesome job!
- Michele on January 11, 2023