Josephine1751's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Josephine1751's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very interesting project and I like your design. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on April 15, 2020
What a beautiful mix of colors. Love to see what you're doing in art class.
- Grandma on October 30, 2019
Love the colors, Josie! Beautiful picture!
- Nona on October 30, 2019
I love the scene and how it’s 3-D! Keep up the great work in Art, Josie! Love, Mommy
-- Karen
- on May 29, 2019
Another beautiful picture, Josie! I love all of your art work & you! Nona
-- Nona
- on May 29, 2019
Wow, Josie, that looks like a very difficult assignment. Great job!
-- Grandma
- on May 29, 2019
Very cool picture, Josie! Love it & you!
-- Nona
- on May 29, 2019
This is so neat, Josie! How did you do that?!
-- Mommy
- on April 2, 2019
Love the design and all of the colors!
-- Nona
- on January 9, 2019
Such a pretty picture, Josie! Love it & you!
-- Nona
- on January 9, 2019
Another great job, Josie! Love your artwork & you!
-- Nona
- on December 8, 2018
I’m loving this one, Josie, with the black and white! And because it’s a heart! ;-) Keep up the great work! Love you!
-- Mommy
- on November 21, 2018
Beautiful butterflies, Josie! Your art work always makes me smile!
-- Nona
- on October 24, 2018
Beautiful picture, Josie! Great job!
-- Nona
- on October 10, 2018
Loving the colors in this one, Josie! Nice job!
-- Karen
- on October 9, 2018