Cece196's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Cece196's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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CeCe, you now have a logo, just like your mom!
-- Lance
- on May 8, 2019
Why these lil character is quite creative!! Great job!!!
-- Michelle
- on November 27, 2018
That is one to frame. Very cool!
-- Lance
- on May 8, 2019
I love the technique you used here and your explanation was great to help me understand the work.
-- Lance
- on May 8, 2019
This is the first time I have seen your work and it is all awesome. Each piece shows a different side of you. Very talented lady. Papa Lance
-- Lance
- on May 8, 2019
So very pretty!
-- xoxo, Mom
- on May 8, 2019
I think I sold this house last week didn't I??
-- xoxo, Mom
- on May 8, 2019
Hard to see this and not smile!
-- xoxo, Mom
- on May 8, 2019
CeCe-great job - love the dimensions that you created! Nice work - keep challenging yourself!
-- xoxo,Mom
- on May 8, 2019
All the shapes and then the colors add such a great visual. Very nice lady.
-- Lance
- on November 15, 2017
Such a colorful, delightful picture! Well done! xoxo, Mom
-- Mom
- on November 3, 2017
You are so incredibly talented Ce! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on November 3, 2017