Isaac10709's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Isaac10709's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks just like us! The colors are beautiful. Love you lots!!
-- Mommy
- on January 28, 2017
This bird house is still on the fridge! I love the different textures. I especially like the feathers! Great job Isaac!!
-- Mommy
- on January 28, 2017
You did a great job on your mitten! It's so festive. I especially like the sparkly snowflake!!
-- Mommy
- on January 28, 2017
I think your firefly art is SO beautiful! I love this so much. We ordered it framed, and as a coffee cup. We even ordered some quilt patches for Grandma B. You are so talented bud! Keep up the good work!!
-- Mommy
- on December 14, 2016
I love how shiny this picture is! All of the colors, swirls, and dots flow together so nicely. Mommy is so proud of you! I love it when you bring home beautiful pictures for me to hang up around the house.
-- Mommy
- on October 4, 2016
It looks like there's a little happy face in there! I love all of the different colors that you chose, and different types of lines that you made. Great picture!
-- Mommy
- on October 4, 2016
This picture is really neat buddy! I love all of the paint colors that you chose, and I think it's so cool that the paper pops up to make this picture 3D!
-- Mommy
- on October 4, 2016
Isaac, mommy loves your rainbow so much. It's beautiful! The little blue dots look just like the puffy clouds that we like to look at, and take pictures of! <3
-- Mommy
- on October 4, 2016
This painting looks like it is 3D! You are a wonderful artist, just like your Gigi. Gigi and poppi say, "Hi!" and send their love. Nonni
-- Maysa
- on October 4, 2016
This painting makes me think of a whirlpool. Remember when we used to play in the hot tub with daddy? This is like the water, spinning. Love, Nonni
-- Maysa
- on October 4, 2016
This is GREAT. It is so happy. I love you! Nonni
-- Maysa
- on October 4, 2016
Isaac, Your artwork is SO beautiful! I especially LOVE your rainbow. I'm going to order it on a mug so that you are with me all the time. I love you so much little one! Nonni
-- Maysa
- on October 4, 2016