Erin508's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Erin508's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Erin, I am so proud to see that you painted a picture of what I look like when I get up in the morning! HaHa! I think your artwork is fantastic! love, Kerri-Ann
- on November 21, 2007
Dear Erin, I think you are a very talented artist! I really enjoy seeing your creations! Love, Kerri
- on November 21, 2007
Erin - We really like this one too! The colors remind us of a beautiful rainbow! Thanks for sharing your wonderful artwork - We Love You!!! Love, Rowen, Kiara, Aunt Monica & Uncle Ralph
- on November 21, 2007
Dear Erin, Your watercolor weaving is absolutely stunning. The colors are so delicate. I could envision this pattern on a silk scarf! You are a wonderful artist. With love, Oma
- on November 21, 2007
Erin, how creative you are!! I love this drawing with all the detailed buildings with their names. I see that little kids are playing "hopscotch." Excellent drawing you did. Keep up the good work!! Much love, Nana & Poppy xoxo
- on November 21, 2007
I love this art. From the land down under looking up. Perfect!! What an artist you are Erin. Much Love, Nana xo
- on January 7, 2007
Hi Erin - We love your picture! You are such a wonderful artist! Love, your cousins, Rowen & Kiara
- on January 3, 2007
Hi Erin! What a great picture - you are really a wonderful artist! We love your imagination and think that this is what we would see if we were ants! Keep up the great work - We Love You! Love, Aunt Monica, Uncle Ralph, Rowen & Kiara
- on June 7, 2006
Wow!!! Erin, this is awesome!! I love it! I never got to do that in second grade, but it looks SO fun!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!
-- from Ashley
- on February 17, 2006
Erin, that picture is amazing! we can't believe you actually did that... you sure are a talented girl. keep up the good work and always remember - "there are no mistakes in art...."
-- from Kerri-ann, Amy, and Maya
- on January 18, 2006
Hi Erin, Wow, another new project from you!! Great work Erin!! I love looking at all the artwork you are doing. Keep up the good work!! Lots of Love, Nana xo
-- from Nana
- on January 15, 2006
Hi Erin! Wow - you're a great artist! I always love your pictures - maybe you can help me learn to draw someday!!! Thanks for sharing your artwork!
-- from Rowen, your cousin
- on January 12, 2006
Hi Erin I sure love all your great art projects! Keep up the good work. We're so proud. Love Mom & Dad
-- from Mommy
- on January 10, 2006
Hi, Erin, beautiful artwork!!! Keep up the great work. I still have your cartoon drawings, which you drew for me, this past summer!! You have talent! Love, Aunt Joanne
-- from Aunt Joanne
- on January 10, 2006
Dear Erin, I really love all 3 artworks. The composition, choice of color, and overall impression are excellent. Keep up the good work!
-- from Oma
- on January 9, 2006
Hi Erin, I love the artisit work you did on the Autumn Leaves project!! You did really good and I'm proud of you! Love, Nana :)
-- from Nana
- on January 9, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on January 9, 2006