Samuel14056's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Samuel14056's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sam. I love your latest art work! You are such a talented little boy. You are very smart, very kind and loving, a great baseball and basketball player, and the best grandson in the world!! Love you, Grainy
-- Grainy
- on January 19, 2017
Sam. I love your latest art work! You are such a talented little boy. You are very smart, very kind and loving, a great baseball and basketball player, and the bedt grandson in the world!! Love you, Grainy
-- Grainy
- on January 19, 2017
Hi Sam. Pa and I love your artwork. You use such happy colors! You also do a great job thinking of interesting subjects to draw and paint. We are very proud of you. Love, Grainy
-- Grainy
- on January 19, 2017
Hi Sam, A lot of colors and objects make your artwork most pleasing to the eye. Keep up the good work and I will look for even more art from you. I think you are very talented!!!!
-- Papa
- on January 19, 2017