Eric11386's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Eric11386's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is an errie picture!! Love to know how you took this!!
-- Carolyn
- on June 28, 2017
This should be called "In the nick of time....." Love it!
-- Carolyn
- on June 7, 2017
This is really funny. I am old enough to remember cameras like this!! We thought it was so great to get an instant picture!! Jack would like seeing this.
-- Carolyn
- on June 7, 2017
Love this...wondering where you took it.
-- Carolyn
- on June 7, 2017
You have a lot going on in that head of yours Eric!!! Such an interesting creation. I have not looked at your work on here for awhile. You have some very creative pieces. I hope you will continue to pursue your interest in photography. You have some real talent!
-- Carolyn
- on June 7, 2017
This is a fun piece!! Interesting range of subjects!! Love it!
-- Carolyn
- on April 27, 2017
Love the contrast here, Eric. Curious what all those circles are made from! Love the splash of red in the middle...another creative piece??????
-- Carolyn
- on April 27, 2017
Great collage of our trip to Chicago!!
-- Amy
- on February 28, 2017
What great pictures of the Chicago skyline. I think these could be used on Chicago publicity pictures!! Love the three approaches to the shots!
-- Carolyn
- on March 1, 2017
I think you did this one for Archer!!!
-- Carolyn
- on February 22, 2017
I see this everyday on my new mouse pad!!!!
-- Carolyn
- on February 22, 2017
No idea how you did this photo but I love the outcome!
-- Carolyn
- on February 22, 2017
This is really a neat picture...not sure if you jumping or sliding on ice!! I assume you took this somehow!! Your skills are beyond me by now!!
-- Carolyn
- on February 22, 2017
Very creative, Eric. Wondering what the assignment was for this creation. Amazing how a circle was turned into a heart! Must have taken awhile to come up with this...but you are more creative than I am!! Love seeing your work.
-- Carolyn
- on December 14, 2016
This is a beautiful picture, Eric. The reflection idea is a great one. Tonight would have been good for this on our lake. I will have to take some pictures and have you critique them!! Your imagination really comes through with your pictures. Keep up the good work.
-- Carolyn
- on November 30, 2016
Great job capturing our beautiful village!!
-- Amy
- on November 28, 2016
I love this Eric. I had never viewed pictures from a 'natural frame' perspective. I think this is a very creative idea and I am eager to try it. Hope you are available for some lessons when I see you!!!
-- Grandma Carolyn
- on November 8, 2016
Eric, this is a very creative photo. The texture contrast is amazing. It almost seems like a 3-D picture. Great work!
-- Carolyn
- on October 22, 2016
Very cool Eric! Looks like some kind of alien invasion! I know exactly where you took this. Very creative!
-- Mike
- on October 9, 2016
This is wonderful Eric. I can't imagine the angle you had to have been at to take this! Very creative! Keep up your good work
-- Carolyn
- on October 9, 2016