Mikaela1029's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Mikaela1029's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks like a wonderful hobbit hole. Wonder what it is made of? I WANT one.
- Bubbie (Lyn) on February 27, 2023
I love this picture! Two sides of Kaela. Wonderful!
- Gheeghee on February 27, 2023
- GheeGhee on February 27, 2023
This one is very sweet and I LOVE the colors and overlapping hearts. They are all connected!
- Lyn on February 27, 2023
I love this one - ordered a fridge magnet of it. It seems so calm to me.
- Lyn on February 27, 2023
This is beautiful, Kaela. I would like to have a color poster with this painting. Did you know that when I was in graduate school, Jim Dine was my favorite American artist?
- GheeGhee on February 27, 2023
Am a little concerned about the person/creature on the top of this doggie's head. Hope it's a friendly one!
-- lyn
- on June 4, 2019
-- GheeGhee
- on May 25, 2019
Kaela: This dog is wonderful! And just in time for Walk N Wag.
-- Sacha
- on May 25, 2019
I LOVE THIS OWL!!!!! Where is it going to live?
-- Lyn
- on May 25, 2019
Wonderful sculpture! Way to go, Kaela!
-- GheeGhee
- on May 25, 2019
Cool, Kaela. I love it.
-- GheeGhee
- on May 8, 2019
WOW - This bowl is so cool.
-- LYN
- on May 8, 2019
I love this colorful work of art. I like the way the sun on the left is illuminating the houses and it gets darker on the right as there is less sunlight. I also like the color combinations especially the yellow house with the purple roof, my favorite. Makes me happy to look at it.
-- Lyn
- on April 18, 2019
Fantastic! Beautiful and artfully composed with excellent choices of colors.
-- GheeGhee
- on April 18, 2019
Another wonderful artwork by Kaela. Way to go!!!
-- GheeGhee
- on November 26, 2018
Kaela, this is magnificent! You really know how to fill up the picture space and you have a terrific sense of color. Great going!!
-- GheeGhee
- on November 26, 2018
Wow! Kaela, you are turning into quite the good artist. You really captured Modigliani's style. I love this!
-- GheeGhee
- on October 17, 2018
I hadn't seen this one before. It's beautiful.
-- GheeGhee
- on November 23, 2016
It looks like you! Great job, Kaela. You are turning into an artist like Cooper. I love it. And you! XXXOOO, GheeGhee.
-- GheeGhee
- on November 23, 2016
Does this picture have a name? I love the way you filled up the space and made an interesting border/frame. The picture is really nice. Love you.
-- GheeGhee
- on September 27, 2016
This looks like a lovely girl. Is it you?
-- GheeGhee
- on September 27, 2016
Kaela, this is absolutely stunning! I love it. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more wonderful drawings and paintings from you. You are a remarkable young artist. Love, love, hugs, kisses, GheeGhee
-- GheeGhee
- on September 27, 2016
Kaela, I am so glad that you are posting! I love your pictures:-):*
-- Boppa
- on September 27, 2016