Daphne669's Comments (49)

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Below are comments about Daphne669's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Daphne, I really like this piece of artwork that you created. I especially like the colors that you used. What an inspirational quote !!! I love the stones and the person done in black. It is very well done !!!! I think this is my favorite of all the works you have created here !!!! I absolutely LOVE it !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on May 1, 2024
Daphne, I am extremely impressed by this piece you have done !!!! My first impression was "this looks so 3D...the way you have shaded the objects...is difficult to do. This is by far the best work you have done !!!! I absolutely LOVE this !!!! Keep up the great work !!!!!!!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on March 20, 2024
Daphne, you are going to have to tell me about this piece of art that you created. It looks like a snow scene in Alaska...I see igloos and lots of snow. It makes me cold just looking at it. And I see footprints up the mountains. It is a very interesting piece of work !!! Great job !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on January 31, 2024
Daphne....this is awesome !!!!They look like birch trees. And it looks like the leaves are falling. I like the way you used two colors for the background. You always do such great work !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on December 20, 2023
This is so cool, Daphne !!!!!!! I love the whole pie !!! The different colors as well as the extra design on the pie crust add a unique touch to this artwork. I love it !!! Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on November 29, 2023
This is also a new piece that I have not seen before. Very interesting. Such a unique piece of work. I love it !!!
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on November 8, 2023
I haven't seen your artwork in a very long time. This is a very interesting piece. She definitely has a very sad face. You will have to explain it to me the next time I see you. You have done a great job on this !!!
- Grandma Joanne(fan) on November 8, 2023
I love the little creatures floating in your pond. They look relaxed and happy. I like that you chose Christmas colors of red and green. Your artwork is always creative and beautiful. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Kris on December 14, 2022
I always love looking at your new artwork !!!! The round bugs remind me of the old video game "Pack Man"' Maybe Dad can find this on his computer to show you. It was one of the first video games. Probably the first video game that your dad ever played. The other bugs are very interesting as well. I love this !!!! Keep up the great work !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Joanne on December 14, 2022
Your artwork always amazes me! Each skull has it's own personality. The first one is kind of scary. The second one is sweet. The third one looks like he is sad. Keep up the good work! Love you! Grandma Kris
- Grandma Kris on November 30, 2022
Wow Daphne !!!! I really like these skulls that you created. So appropriate for Halloween !!! Did it take you long to do these ? I think my favorite is the yellow one. You did a great job on these !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Joanne on November 9, 2022
Daphne, this is a very interesting piece of artwork !!!! It looks like there are cactus plants in pots. Am I right? You will have to tell me all about these when I see you the next time. I love them !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on October 12, 2022
Daphane, I can't believe what a wonderful job you did drawing all the tools an artist might use to create their work. The different colors make your piece so vibrant. You have been blessed with artistic talent. Keep creating! Love you!
- Grandma Kris on April 6, 2022
Your artwork just keeps getting better and better !!!! I just love this piece!!!!I think my favorite part is the spattering of the paint over the entire piece. You did such a great job on the scissors...actually you did well on the entire piece. It is just so awesome !!! Great job Daphne !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne.
- Grandma Joanne on April 6, 2022
So many wonderful expressions on these faces. You really captured how each one is feeling. That is something a good artist can always do, and you are a GOOD artist! Love you!
- Grandma Kris on March 23, 2022
This is so awesome Daphne !!!!!!! I just love all of the emojis that you made. There are so many of them and they are all just incredible !!!! They are all so good that I can't even pick a favorite !!!! You amaze me with your talent !!! Love and hugs to you !!!! Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on March 9, 2022
Wow Daphne !!! I really love this !!! The first thing that caught my eye was the road and the light poles. The road fades into the distant and the light poles look so real. I see a girl on the balcony....is that you? This must have taken you a very long time to complete. There are so many things going on. Absolutely great work !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on February 2, 2022
What an interesting town. Your buildings are unique. I especially like the house full of windows with the balcony and the flowerpot. Love that you put a chimney and a satellite dish on the pretty blue roof. Nice job on the telephone poles too and how the road gets narrower as it goes along. You just keep growing as an artist. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Kris on January 19, 2022
Wow, Daphne !!!! This is a very "busy" piece of artwork !!! There are so many things going on. I see the road with the electric poles. There are so many other things also. It must have taken you a very long time to complete this !!! I love it !!! Great work !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Joanne on January 19, 2022
I love this black and white piece. It is very interesting to look at the shapes and the way you shaded them. I'd like to know more about what your teacher was trying to teach you about shading and how it can contribute to the interest of your drawing. Love you!
- Grandma Kris on November 24, 2021
Daphne, this is amazing !!!! Your shadowing is so perfect that these objects stand out...almost like 3D. Did you have something to draw from, or did you just draw this from your head? I think you show potential for becoming a GREAT artist !!! Keep up the great work !!! Love, Grandma
- Grandma Joanne on November 10, 2021
As I got ready to comment on your latest piece of art, I could see all of your creations. You are certainly growing as an artist! I love how you repeated colors on this piece, it really brings it altogether. Keep up the good work! Love you! Grandma Kris
- Grandma Kris on November 11, 2020
Daphne...I just LOVE this !!! You have so many different designs on this pumpkin. It had to have taken a long time for you to create this. You also have so many different colors which I absolutely love. You sure did a great job on this. Love it !!! Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on November 4, 2020
I haven't seen this artwork yet. I really love your flowers and the way you have made the vase look 3D. It is very relaxing to look at this. I love it !!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on October 1, 2020
I am so happy to see some new artwork from you. I haven't seen any in a long time. I like you color choices....and you will have to explain some of the objects the next time I see you. It looks like a barn, which by the way, you did a fantastic job of creating the doors. I also see a vehicle and it looks like someone is singing. Great job !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on October 1, 2020
I don't remember seeing this one before. You will have to help me figure out what this is....looks like a ferris wheel or a wheel of some kind. Very unique !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on October 23, 2019
Daphne, this is the best piece of artwork that you have done !!!! I love how you give depth to the vase and the flowers are beautiful !!! I just love this one !!!! Way to go !!! Love you !!! Grandma Joanne
- Grandma Joanne on October 23, 2019
I really love how you created a face on your umbrella! I love the legs and feet peeking out underneath too. Looks like scary thunderstorm clouds in the background, but your pretty flowers are probably waiting for a drink. As usual, a great job! Love, Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on May 29, 2019
Daphne, what a beautiful picture. Is it watercolor? I love the raindrops as well as the dark black sky on a very dreary day. You even put flowers in your painting, which is a sure sign of spring. And the umbrella is perfect !!! I love it all !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Grandma Joanne
- on May 29, 2019
Daphne, this is certainly unique. You will have to explain this to me the next time I see you. I always love to see your artwork and you are very talented !!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Grandma Joanne
- on May 29, 2019
What a perfectly drawn mitten! I love that it is so colorful. We need that on dreary winter days. Love all the stars and trees too. I am sure this mitten would keep your hands cozy warm! Great job, little artist! Love you, Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on May 29, 2019
How appropriate to draw a mitten in the winter !!!! It certainly is colorful. I especially like the different designs within each section. You must have spent a great deal of time working on this. I love it !!!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Joanne
- on May 29, 2019
This is really unique, Dapnhe !!!! Your use of colors is amazing. They almost look like eyeballs. Lots of circles !!!! I love it !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Joanne
- on October 24, 2018
This piece of modern art is very interesting. I would like to know more about what your teacher said about creating this work. I like your color choices for the inside and outside circles. Love seeing your artwork and can't wait for the next creation! Love you! Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on October 24, 2018
Daphne, you have captured yourself so very well !!!! I just love this !!! My favorite part of your self portrait is your freckles. I also love your earrings. This looks just so much like you. You must have taken quite a bit of time to complete this. It is so well detailed. I just love it !!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Grandma Joanne
- on May 23, 2018
Another beautiful painting. I love how the colors blend together. Did you do layers of color and then put other colors on top? You are becoming such a good artist. I hope you will always enjoy expressing yourself through art! Thanks for sharing. Love you! Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on March 14, 2018
I think I missed this artwork when it was posted. Very interesting !!! You will have to tell me all about this when you come to spend the night. I hope we can do this during spring break. I would love to spend the day painting with you. You have such great ideas. Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Grandma Joanne
- on March 7, 2018
Daphne, what an amazing painting !!!! It looks so realistic. I can see bubbles everywhere !!!! When you come to spend the night, you will have to show me how to do this. I think I have the correct paints to do this. I absolutely love this !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Grandma Joanne
- on March 7, 2018
Love these bubbles! I like that they are all different colors and different sizes. It looks like they are floating through the air with some other objects as well-maybe it is a windy day. Is this your first time to use watercolors? I know you use them at Grandma's house, but is this the first time in school? Always fun to see your newest creation! Love you! Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on March 7, 2018
What a cute silly monster !!!! I love your artwork....it is so colorful and he or she is such a cute monster. Good job Daphne !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Joanne
- on February 14, 2018
This is like a picture within a picture. I would like to know more about your creation. It seems to have arms and legs like a person, but antennas on its head. It has beautiful eyes with long eyelashes, but has a creature between the eyes. Hope you will explain it to me some day. Love the yellow and red colors-two of my favorites!
-- Kris
- on February 14, 2018
Daphne, I just love your turkey collage !!! I especially like his eyes....you must have had fun working on this. Looks like you spent quite a bit of time on this. Great job !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Joanne
- on December 27, 2017
Love this colorful turkey with the google eyes. Will he be hanging on your refrigerator for Thanksgiving? Keep up the good work! Love you! Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on December 27, 2017
What a unique way to display your name. You did such a great job on this. So cool.
-- Grandma Joanne
- on November 8, 2017
Wow Daphne....this is really awesome!!!! Candy corn collage, what a great idea for fall. You put a bat and a ghost in the picture to go along with Halloween. You did a great job on this. I love it !!!! Grandma Joanne
-- Grandma Joanne
- on November 8, 2017
I like the black background in this picture. It makes the bat and scary ghost really stand out. Love the torn paper pumpkin too! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on November 8, 2017
Good job on this assignment! You did a great job of writing your name and I love the way you shaded in the letters. It is hard to fit your long name on a round circle, but you did pretty well. Keep up the good work. I love seeing what you are doing in school and am so glad you are sending these to me. Love you! Grandma Kris
-- Kris
- on November 8, 2017
Daphne....this is awesome !!! It must have taken you a long time to finish this. Is this a hot air balloon? You are such a good artist !!!! Love, Grandma Joanne
-- Joanne
- on October 11, 2017
Love your picture, Daphne, especially the butterflies floating along with the balloon. Is the balloon flying over mountains? Next time I see a balloon floating in the sky, I will think about your beautiful picture!
-- Kris
- on October 11, 2017