This one is so good. Reminds me of the circus. Nice job Levi!! You are very talented! -- Aunt Brenda
- on May 16, 2018
Love this one. -- Aunt Brenda
- on May 16, 2018
Absolutely fabulous!!! Wonderful job Levi. I love all the colors. I just might have to have this one on a T-shirt so I can show it off! -- Aunt Brenda
- on May 16, 2018
Oh Levi I am so glad to be a fan of your artwork. I just looked at all of your wonderful paintings and was absolutely delighted. You do such a fantastic job. They are beautiful. Keep up the good work!!!! -- Aunt Brenda
- on May 16, 2018
I love all of your artwork but especially your home. Everything about it is special. A perfect drawing from memory. -- Grandma
- on May 16, 2018
Levi!! This is a beautiful picture! I love all the colors you used and the shape of the flower !! You know I love flowers !! -- Dana